Here are the classes in Qt, with brief descriptions:
QAccel | Handles keyboard accelerator keys |
QApplication | Manages the application event queue |
QArray | Template class that provides arrays of simple types |
QAsyncIO | Encapsulates I/O asynchronicity |
QBitArray | Array of bits |
QBitmap | Monochrome (1 bit depth) pixmaps |
QBitVal | Internal class, used with QBitArray |
QBoxLayout | Lines up child widgets horizontally or vertically |
QBrush | Defines the fill pattern of shapes drawn by a QPainter |
QBuffer | I/O device that operates on a QByteArray |
QButton | The abstract base class of button widgets, providing functionality common to buttons |
QButtonGroup | Organizes QButton widgets in a group |
QByteArray | Array of bytes |
QCache | Template class that provides a cache based on char* keys |
QCacheIterator | Iterator for QCache collections |
QCheckBox | Check box with a text label |
QCheckListItem | Implements checkable list view items |
QChildEvent | Event parameters for child widget events |
QClipboard | Access to the window system clipboard |
QCloseEvent | Parameters that describe a close event |
QCollection | The base class of all Qt collections |
QColor | Colors based on RGB |
QColorGroup | Group of widget colors |
QComboBox | Combined button and popup list |
QConnection | Internal class, used in the signal/slot mechanism |
QCursor | Mouse cursor with an arbitrary shape |
QCustomEvent | Support for custom events |
QDataPump | Moves data from a QDataSource to a QDataSink during event processing |
QDataSink | A QDataSink is an asynchronous consumer of data |
QDataSource | A QDataSource is an asynchronous producer of data |
QDataStream | Basic functions for serialization of binary data to a QIODevice |
QDate | Date functions |
QDateTime | Combines QDate and QTime into a single class |
QDialog | The base class of dialog windows |
QDict | Template class that provides a dictionary based on char* keys |
QDictIterator | Iterator for QDict collections |
QDir | Traverses directory structures and contents in a platform-independent way |
QDoubleValidator | Range checking of floating-point numbers |
QDragMoveEvent | Event sent as a drag-and-drop is in progress |
QDragObject | The QDragObject encapsulates MIME-based drag-and-drop interaction |
QDropEvent | Event sent when a drag-and-drop is completed |
QEvent | Base class of all event classes. Event objects contain event parameters |
QFile | I/O device that operates on files |
QFileDialog | The QFileDialog provides a dialog widget for inputting file names |
QFileIconProvider | Icons for QFileDialog to use |
QFileInfo | System-independent file information |
QFocusData | Maintains the list of widgets which can take focus |
QFocusEvent | Event parameters for widget focus events |
QFont | Font used for drawing text |
QFontInfo | General information about fonts |
QFontMetrics | Font metrics information about fonts |
QFrame | The base class of widgets that have an (optional) frame |
QGArray | Internal class for implementing the QArray class |
QGCache | Internal class for implementing QCache and QIntCache |
QGCacheIterator | An internal class for implementing QCacheIterator and QIntCacheIterator |
QGDict | Internal class for implementing QDict and QIntDict |
QGDictIterator | An internal class for implementing QDictIterator and QIntDictIterator |
QGIFFormat | Incremental image decoder for GIF image format |
QGIFFormatType | Incremental image decoder for GIF image format |
QGLContext | Encapsulates an OpenGL rendering context [Qt OpenGL Extension] |
QGLFormat | The display format of an OpenGL rendering context [Qt OpenGL Extension] |
QGList | Internal class for implementing Qt collection classes |
QGListIterator | The QGListIterator is an internal class for implementing QListIterator |
QGLWidget | Widget for rendering OpenGL graphics [Qt OpenGL Extension] |
QGManager | One-dimensional geometry management |
QGridLayout | Lays out child widgets in a grid |
QGroupBox | Group box frame with a title |
QHBoxLayout | Lines up child widgets horizontally |
QHeader | Table header |
QIconSet | Set of icons (normal, disabled, various sizes) for e.g. buttons |
QImage | Hardware-independent pixmap representation with direct access to the pixel data |
QImageConsumer | An abstraction used by QImageDecoder |
QImageDecoder | Incremental image decoder for all supported image formats |
QImageDrag | The QImageDrag provides a drag-and-drop object for tranferring images |
QImageFormat | Incremental image decoder for a specific image format |
QImageFormatType | Factory that makes QImageFormat objects |
QImageIO | Parameters for loading and saving images |
QIntCache | Template class that provides a cache based on long keys |
QIntCacheIterator | Iterator for QIntCache collections |
QIntDict | Template class that provides a dictionary based on long keys |
QIntDictIterator | Iterator for QIntDict collections |
QIntValidator | Range checking of integers |
QIODevice | The base class of I/O devices |
QIODeviceSource | A QIODeviceSource is a QDataSource that draws data from a QIODevice |
QKeyEvent | Parameters that describe a key event |
QLabel | Displays a static text or pixmap |
QLayout | The base class of geometry specifiers |
QLCDNumber | Displays a number with LCD-like digits |
QLineEdit | Simple line editor for inputting text |
QList | Template class that provides doubly linked lists |
QListBox | Single-column list of items that can be scrolled |
QListBoxItem | This is the base class of all list box items |
QListBoxPixmap | List box items with a pixmap |
QListBoxText | List box items with text |
QListIterator | Iterator for QList collections |
QListView | Implements a list/tree view |
QListViewItem | Implements a list view item |
QLNode | Internal class for the QList template collection |
QMainWindow | Typical application window, with a menu bar, some tool bars and a status bar |
QMenuBar | Horizontal menu bar |
QMenuData | Base class for QMenuBar and QPopupMenu |
QMessageBox | Displays a brief message, an icon, and some buttons |
QMouseEvent | Parameters that describe a mouse event |
QMoveEvent | Event parameters for move events |
QMovie | Incrementally loads an animation or image, signalling as it progresses |
QMultiLineEdit | Simple editor for inputting text |
QNPInstance | A QObject that is a Web-browser plugin [Qt NSPlugin Extension] |
QNPlugin | The plugin central factory [Qt NSPlugin Extension] |
QNPStream | A stream of data provided to a QNPInstance by the browser [Qt NSPlugin Extension] |
QNPWidget | A QWidget that is a Web-browser plugin window [Qt NSPlugin Extension] |
QObject | The base class of all Qt objects that can deal with signals, slots and events |
QPaintDevice | Of objects that can be painted |
QPaintDeviceMetrics | Information about a paint device |
QPainter | Paints on paint devices |
QPaintEvent | Event parameters for paint events |
QPalette | Color groups for each widget state |
QPen | Defines how a QPainter should draw lines and outlines of shapes |
QPicture | Paint device that records and replays QPainter commands |
QPixmap | Off-screen pixel-based paint device |
QPixmapCache | Application-global cache for pixmaps |
QPoint | Defines a point in the plane |
QPointArray | Array of points |
QPointVal | Internal class, used with QPointArray |
QPopupMenu | Popup menu widget |
QPrintDialog | X-only dialog for specifying print-out details |
QPrinter | Paint device that prints graphics on a printer |
QProgressBar | Horizontal progress bar |
QProgressDialog | Provides feedback on the progress of a slow operation |
QPtrDict | Template class that provides a dictionary based on void* keys |
QPtrDictIterator | Iterator for QPtrDict collections |
QPushButton | Push button with a text or pixmap label |
QQueue | Template class that provides a queue |
QRadioButton | Radio button with a text label |
QRangeControl | Integer value within a range |
QRect | Defines a rectangle in the plane |
QRegExp | Pattern matching using regular expressions and wildcards |
QRegion | Clip region for a painter |
QResizeEvent | Event parameters for resize events |
QScrollBar | Vertical or horizontal scroll bar |
QScrollView | Scrolling area with on-demand scrollbars |
QSemiModal | The base class of semi-modal dialog windows |
QShared | The QShared struct is internally used for implementing shared classes |
QSignal | Can be used to send signals without parameters |
QSignalMapper | A QSignalMapper object bundles signals from identifiable senders |
QSize | Defines the size of a two-dimensional object |
QSlider | Vertical or horizontal slider |
QSocketNotifier | Support for socket callbacks |
QSpinBox | Spin box widget, sometimes called up-down widget, little arrows widget or spin button |
QSplitter | QSplitter implements a splitter widget |
QStack | Template class that provides a stack |
QStatusBar | Horizontal bar suitable for presenting status messages |
QStoredDrag | Simple stored-value drag object for arbitrary MIME data |
QStrIList | Doubly linked list of char* with case insensitive compare |
QString | Abstraction of the classic C zero-terminated char array (char*) |
QStrList | Doubly linked list of char*. |
QTabBar | Tab bar, for use in e.g. tabbed dialogs |
QTabDialog | Stack of tabbed widgets |
QTableView | This is the abstract base class of all the table views |
QTextDrag | The QTextDrag provides a drag-and-drop object for transferring plain text |
QTextStream | Basic functions for reading and writing text using a QIODevice |
QTime | Time functions |
QTimer | Timer signals and single-shot timers |
QTimerEvent | Parameters that describe a timer event |
QToolBar | Simple tool bar |
QToolButton | Push button whose appearance has been tailored for use in a QToolBar |
QToolTip | Tool tips (sometimes called balloon help) for any widget or rectangular part of a widget |
QToolTipGroup | Collects tool tips into natural groups |
QUrlDrag | Provides for drag-and-drop of a list of file references |
QValidator | Validation of input text |
QVBoxLayout | Lines up child widgets vertically |
QWhatsThis | Simple description of any widget, e.g. answering the question "what's this?" |
QWidget | The base class of all user interface objects |
QWidgetStack | Stack of widgets, where the user can see only the top widget |
QWindow | Reserved for future extensions |
QWMatrix | 2D transformations of a coordinate system |
QXtApplication | Allows mixing of Xt/Motif and Qt widgets [Qt Xt/Motif Extension] |
QXtWidget | Allows mixing of Xt/Motif and Qt widgets [Qt Xt/Motif Extension] |
Copyright © 1998 Troll Tech | Trademarks | Qt version 1.42