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QGLFormat Class Reference

The QGLFormat class specifies the display format of an OpenGL rendering context. This class is part of the Qt OpenGL Extension. More...

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Public Members

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Detailed Description

This class is defined in the Qt OpenGL Extension, which can be found in the qt/extensions directory. It is not included in the main Qt API.

The QGLFormat class specifies the display format of an OpenGL rendering context.

A display format has several characteristics:

You create and tell a QGLFormat object what rendering options you want from an OpenGL rendering context.

OpenGL drivers or accelerated hardware may or may not support advanced features like alpha channel or stereographic viewing. If you request such features and the driver/hardware does not provide it, you will get an invalid context, which can be detected by calling the isValid() method. You can then try again with a less demanding format.

There are different ways of defining the display characteristics of a rendering context. One is to create a QGLFormat and make it default for the entire application:

    QGLFormat f;
    f.setAlpha( TRUE );
    f.setStereo( TRUE );
    QGLFormat::setDefaultFormat( f );

You can also set a format for a specific widget (subclassed from QGLWidget):

    MyGLWidget *w;
    QGLFormat f;
    f.setAlpha( TRUE );
    f.setStereo( TRUE );
    w->setFormat( f );
    if ( !w->isValid() ) {
        f.setStereo( FALSE );   // ok, goggles off
        w->setFormat( f );
        if ( !w->isValid() ) {
            fatal( "Cool hardware wanted" );

Implementation note: QGLFormat objects use implicit sharing. This is an internal optimization that minimizes copying and memory overhead. When you pass a QGLFormat as an argument to a function, or return a QGLFormat from a function, a reference count is incremented or decremented. Objects stay shared until one of them is changed.

See also: QGLContext and QGLWidget.

Member Function Documentation

QGLFormat::QGLFormat ( bool doubleBuffer=TRUE )

Constructs a QGLFormat object with the default settings:

QGLFormat::QGLFormat ( const QGLFormat & f )

Constructs a QGLFormat object which is a copy of f.

QGLFormat::~QGLFormat () [virtual]

Destroys the object.

bool QGLFormat::accum () const

Returns TRUE if the accumulation buffer is enabled, otherwise FALSE. The accumulation buffer is disabled by default.

See also: setAccum().

bool QGLFormat::alpha () const

Returns TRUE if the alpha channel of the framebuffer is enabled, otherwise FALSE. The alpha channel is disabled by default.

See also: setAlpha().

const QGLFormat & QGLFormat::defaultFormat () [static]

Returns the default QGLFormat for the application. All QGLWidgets that are created are assigned this format unless anything else is specified.

bool QGLFormat::depth () const

Returns TRUE if the depth buffer is enabled, otherwise FALSE. The depth buffer is enabled by default.

See also: setDepth().

bool QGLFormat::doubleBuffer () const

Returns TRUE if double buffering is enabled, otherwise FALSE. Double buffering is enabled by default.

See also: setDoubleBuffer().

bool QGLFormat::hasOpenGL () [static]

Returns TRUE if the window system has any OpenGL support, otherwise FALSE.

QGLFormat & QGLFormat::operator= ( const QGLFormat & f )

Assigns f to this QGLFormat object and returns a reference to this object.

bool QGLFormat::rgba () const

Returns TRUE if RGBA color mode is set, or FALSE if color index mode is set. The default color mode is RGBA.

See also: setRgba().

void QGLFormat::setAccum ( bool enable )

Enables the accumulation buffer if enable is TRUE, or disables it if enable is FALSE.

The accumulation buffer is disabled by default.

The accumulation buffer is used for create blur effects and multiple exposures.

See also: accum().

void QGLFormat::setAlpha ( bool enable )

Enables the alpha channel of the framebuffer if enable is TRUE, or disables it if enable is FALSE.

The alpha buffer is disabled by default.

The alpha channel is typically used for implementing transparency or translucency. The A in RGBA specifies the transparency of a pixel.

See also: alpha().

void QGLFormat::setDefaultFormat ( const QGLFormat & f ) [static]

Sets a new default QGLFormat for the application. For example, to set single buffering as default instead of double buffering, your main() can contain:

    QApplication a(argc, argv);
    QGLFormat f;
    f.setDoubleBuffer( FALSE );
    QGLFormat::setDefaultFormat( f );

void QGLFormat::setDepth ( bool enable )

Enables the depth buffer if enable is TRUE, or disables it if enable is FALSE.

The depth buffer is enabled by default.

The purpose of a depth buffer (or z-buffering) is to remove hidden surfaces. Pixels are assigned z values based on the distance to the viewer. A pixel with a high z value is closer to the viewer than a pixel with a low z value. This information is used to decide whether to draw a pixel or not.

See also: depth().

void QGLFormat::setDoubleBuffer ( bool enable )

Sets double buffering if enable is TRUE og single buffering if enable is FALSE.

Double buffering is enabled by default.

Double buffering is a technique where graphics is rendered to an off-screen buffer and not directly to the screen. When the drawing has been completed, the program calls a swapBuffers function to exchange the screen contents with the buffer. The result is flicker-free drawing and often better performance.

See also: doubleBuffer(), QGLContext::swapBuffers() and QGLWidget::swapBuffers().

void QGLFormat::setRgba ( bool enable )

Sets RGBA mode if enable is TRUE, or color index mode if enable is FALSE.

The default color mode is RGBA.

RGBA is the preferred mode for most OpenGL applications. In RGBA color mode you specify colors as a red + green + blue + alpha quadruplet

In color index mode you specify an index into a color lookup table.

See also: rgba().

void QGLFormat::setStencil ( bool enable )

Enables the stencil buffer if enable is TRUE, or disables it if enable is FALSE.

The stencil buffer is disabled by default.

The stencil buffer masks away drawing from certain parts of the screen.

See also: stencil().

void QGLFormat::setStereo ( bool enable )

Enables stereo buffering if enable is TRUE, or disables it if enable is FALSE.

Stereo buffering is disabled by default.

Stereo buffering provides extra color buffers to generate left-eye and right-eye images.

See also: stereo().

bool QGLFormat::stencil () const

Returns TRUE if the stencil buffer is enabled, otherwise FALSE. The stencil buffer is disabled by default.

See also: setStencil().

bool QGLFormat::stereo () const

Returns TRUE if stereo buffering is enabled, otherwise FALSE. Stereo buffering is disabled by default.

See also: setStereo().

Related Functions

const char * qGLVersion ()

Returns the version number string for the Qt OpenGL extension, e.g. "1.0".

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