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QUrlDrag Class Reference

Provides for drag-and-drop of a list of file references. More...

#include <qdragobject.h>

Inherits QStoredDrag.

List of all member functions.

Public Members

Static Public Members

Detailed Description

Provides for drag-and-drop of a list of file references.

URLs are a useful way to refer to files that may be distributed across multiple machines. Much of the time a URL will refer to a file on a machine local to both the drag source and the drop target, and so the URL will be equivalent to passing a filename, but more extensible.

Member Function Documentation

QUrlDrag::QUrlDrag ( QStrList urls, QWidget * dragSource = 0, const char * name = 0 )

Creates an object to drag the list of urls in urls. The dragSource and name arguments are passed on to QStoredDrag.

QUrlDrag::QUrlDrag ( QWidget * dragSource = 0, const char * name = 0 )

Creates a object to drag. You will need to call setUrls() before you start the drag().

QUrlDrag::~QUrlDrag ()

Destroys the object.

bool QUrlDrag::canDecode ( QDragMoveEvent * e ) [static]

Returns TRUE if decode() would be able to decode e.

bool QUrlDrag::decode ( QDropEvent * e, QStrList & l ) [static]

Decodes URLs from e, placing the result in l (which is first cleared).

Returns TRUE if the event contained a valid list of URLs.

bool QUrlDrag::decodeLocalFiles ( QDropEvent * e, QStrList & l ) [static]

Decodes URLs from e, converts them to local files if they refer to local files, and places them in l (which is first cleared).

Returns TRUE if the event contained a valid list of URLs. The list will be empty if no URLs were local files.

void QUrlDrag::setUrls ( QStrList urls )

Changes the list of urls to be dragged.

QString QUrlDrag::urlToLocalFile ( const char * url ) [static]

Returns the name of a local file equivalent to url, or a null string if url is not a local file.

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