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QSize Class Reference

The QSize class defines the size of a two-dimensional object. More...

#include <qsize.h>

List of all member functions.

Public Members

Static Public Members

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

Detailed Description

The QSize class defines the size of a two-dimensional object.

A size is specified by a width and a height.

The coordinate type is QCOORD (defined in qwindowdefs.h as short). The minimum value of QCOORD is QCOORD_MIN (-32768) and the maximum value is QCOORD_MAX (32767).

See also: QPoint and QRect.

Examples: tictac/tictac.cpp xform/xform.cpp pref/pref.cpp progress/progress.cpp

Member Function Documentation

QSize::QSize ()

Constructs a size with invalid (negative) width and height.

QSize::QSize ( int w, int h )

Constructs a size with width w and height h.

QSize QSize::boundedTo ( const QSize & otherSize ) const

Returns a size with the minimum width and height of this size and otherSize.

QSize QSize::expandedTo ( const QSize & otherSize ) const

Returns a size with the maximum width and height of this size and otherSize.

int QSize::height () const

Returns the height.

See also: width().

Examples: pref/pref.cpp

bool QSize::isEmpty () const

Returns TRUE if the width is <= 0 or the height is <= 0, otherwise FALSE.

bool QSize::isNull () const

Returns TRUE if the width is 0 and the height is 0, otherwise FALSE.

bool QSize::isValid () const

Returns TRUE if the width is equal to or greater than 0 and the height is equal to or greater than 0, otherwise FALSE.

QSize & QSize::operator*= ( float c )

Multiplies both the width and height with c and returns a reference to the size.

Note that the result is truncated.

QSize & QSize::operator*= ( int c )

Multiplies both the width and height with c and returns a reference to the size.

QSize & QSize::operator+= ( const QSize & s )

Adds s to the size and returns a reference to this size.


    QSize s(  3, 7 );
    QSize r( -1, 4 );
    s += r;                     // s becomes (2,11)

QSize & QSize::operator-= ( const QSize & s )

Subtracts s from the size and returns a reference to this size.


    QSize s(  3, 7 );
    QSize r( -1, 4 );
    s -= r;                     // s becomes (4,3)

QSize & QSize::operator/= ( float c )

Divides both the width and height by c and returns a reference to the size.

Note that the result is truncated.

QSize & QSize::operator/= ( int c )

Divides both the width and height by c and returns a reference to the size.

QCOORD & QSize::rheight ()

Returns a reference to the height.

Using a reference makes it possible to directly manipulate the height.


    QSize s( 100, 10 );
    s.rheight() += 5;           // s becomes (100,15)

See also: rwidth().

QCOORD & QSize::rwidth ()

Returns a reference to the width.

Using a reference makes it possible to directly manipulate the width.


    QSize s( 100, 10 );
    s.rwidth() += 20;           // s becomes (120,10)

See also: rheight().

void QSize::setHeight ( int h )

Sets the height to h.

See also: height() and setWidth().

Examples: pref/pref.cpp

void QSize::setWidth ( int w )

Sets the width to w.

See also: width() and setHeight().

Examples: pref/pref.cpp

void QSize::transpose ()

Swaps the values of width and height.

int QSize::width () const

Returns the width.

See also: height().

Examples: pref/pref.cpp

Related Functions

bool operator== (const QSize & s1, const QSize & s2)

Returns TRUE if s1 and s2 are equal, or FALSE if they are different.

bool operator!= (const QSize & s1, const QSize & s2)

Returns TRUE if s1 and s2 are different, or FALSE if they are equal.

QSize operator+ (const QSize & s1, const QSize & s2)

Returns the sum of s1 and s2; each component is added separately.

QSize operator- (const QSize & s1, const QSize & s2)

Returns s2 subtracted from s1; each component is subtracted separately.

QSize operator* (const QSize & s, int c)

Multiplies s by c and returns the result.

QSize operator* (int c, const QSize & s)

Multiplies s by c and returns the result.

QSize operator* (const QSize & s, float c)

Multiplies s by c and returns the result.

QSize operator* (float c, const QSize & s)

Multiplies s by c and returns the result.

QSize operator/ (const QSize & s, int c)

Divides s by c and returns the result.

QSize operator/ (const QSize & s, float c)

Divides s by c and returns the result.

Note that the result is truncated.

QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream & s, const QSize & sz)

Writes the size to the stream and returns a reference to the stream.

Serialization format: [width (INT16), height (INT16)].

QDataStream & operator>> (QDataStream & s, QSize & sz)

Reads the size from the stream and returns a reference to the stream.

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