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QFontInfo Class Reference

The QFontInfo class provides general information about fonts. More...

#include <qfontinfo.h>

List of all member functions.

Public Members

Detailed Description

The QFontInfo class provides general information about fonts.

The QFont class might not always map exactly to the specified font for a paint device. The QFontInfo class provides information of the actual font that matched a QFont specification.

There are three ways you can create a QFontInfo object:

  1. The QFontInfo constructor with a QFont creates a font info object for a screen-compatible font, i.e. the font must not be a printer font.
  2. QWidget::fontInfo() returns the font info for a widget's current font. The font info object is automatically updated if somebody sets a new widget font. Please read the note below.
  3. QPainter::fontInfo() returns the font info for a painter's current font. The font info object is automatically updated if somebody sets a new painter font. Please read the note below.


    QFont font("reykjavik",24);
    QFontInfo fi(font);
    if ( strcmp(font.family(),fi.family()) == 0 ) {
        ; // got this font
    } else {
        ; // got fi.family() instead

In Qt 2.0 the font info object will no longer be automatically updated when the widget or painter gets a new font. Make sure you program does not depend on this feature.

About efficiency: We recommend that you use the QFontInfo constructor if you can. This is more efficient than getting the font info from a widget or a painter. The QWidget::fontInfo() and QPainter::fontInfo() will become faster in Qt 2.0, when we have removed the automatic update policy.

See also: QFont and QFontMetrics.

Examples: xform/xform.cpp

Member Function Documentation

QFontInfo::QFontInfo ( const QFont & font )

Constructs a font info object for font.

The font must be screen-compatible, i.e. a font you use when drawing text in widgets or pixmaps. If font is a printer font, you'll probably get wrong results.

Use the QPainter::fontInfo() to get the font info when painting. This is a little slower than using this constructor, but it always gives correct results.

QFontInfo::QFontInfo ( const QFontInfo & fi )

Constructs a copy of fi.

QFontInfo::~QFontInfo ()

Destroys the font info object.

bool QFontInfo::bold () const

Returns TRUE if weight() would return a greater than QFont::Normal, and FALSE otherwise.

See also: weight() and QFont::bold().

QFont::CharSet QFontInfo::charSet() const

Returns the character set of the matched window system font.

See also: QFont::charSet().

bool QFontInfo::exactMatch () const

Returns TRUE if the matched window system font is exactly the one specified by the font.

See also: QFont::exactMatch().

const char * QFontInfo::family () const

Returns the family name of the matched window system font.

See also: QFont::family().

Examples: xform/xform.cpp

bool QFontInfo::fixedPitch () const

Returns the fixed pitch value of the matched window system font. A fixed pitch font is a font that has constant character pixel width.

See also: QFont::fixedPitch().

bool QFontInfo::italic () const

Returns the italic value of the matched window system font.

See also: QFont::italic().

Examples: xform/xform.cpp

QFontInfo & QFontInfo::operator= ( const QFontInfo & fi )

Font info assignment.

int QFontInfo::pointSize () const

Returns the point size of the matched window system font.

See also: QFont::pointSize().

Examples: xform/xform.cpp

bool QFontInfo::rawMode () const

Returns TRUE if the font is a raw mode font.

If it is a raw mode font, all other functions in QFontInfo will return the same values set in the QFont, regardless of the font actually used.

Warning: The default font is a raw-mode font.

See also: QFont::rawMode().

bool QFontInfo::strikeOut () const

Returns the strike out value of the matched window system font.

See also: QFont::strikeOut().

QFont::StyleHint QFontInfo::styleHint() const

Returns the style of the matched window system font.

Currently only returns the hint set in QFont.

See also: QFont::styleHint().

bool QFontInfo::underline () const

Returns the underline value of the matched window system font.

See also: QFont::underline().

int QFontInfo::weight () const

Returns the weight of the matched window system font.

See also: QFont::weight() and bold().

Examples: xform/xform.cpp

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