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QRegExp Class Reference

The QRegExp class provides pattern matching using regular expressions and wildcards. More...

#include <qregexp.h>

List of all member functions.

Public Members

Protected Members

Detailed Description

The QRegExp class provides pattern matching using regular expressions and wildcards.

QRegExp knows these regexp primitives:

In wildcard mode, it only knows three primitives:

When writing regular expressions in C++ code, remember that the C++ preprocessor processes \ characters. So in order to match a "." character, you must write "\\." in C++ source, not "\.".

Examples: qmag/qmag.cpp

Member Function Documentation

QRegExp::QRegExp ()

Constructs an empty regular expression.

QRegExp::QRegExp ( const QRegExp & r )

Constructs a regular expression which is a copy of r.

See also: operator=(const and QRegExp&).

QRegExp::QRegExp ( const char * pattern, bool caseSensitive=TRUE, bool wildcard=FALSE )

Constructs a regular expression.


See also: setWildcard().

QRegExp::~QRegExp ()

Destroys the regular expression and cleans up its internal data.

bool QRegExp::caseSensitive () const

Returns TRUE if case sensitivity is enabled, otherwise FALSE. The default is TRUE.

See also: setCaseSensitive().

void QRegExp::compile () [protected]

For internal use only.

bool QRegExp::isEmpty () const

Returns TRUE if the regexp is empty.

bool QRegExp::isValid () const

Returns TRUE if the regexp is valid, or FALSE if it is invalid.

The pattern "[a-z" is an example of an invalid pattern, since it lacks a closing bracket.

int QRegExp::match ( const char * str, int index=0, int * len=0 ) const

Attempts to match in str, starting from position index. Returns the position of the match, or -1 if there was no match.

If len is not a null pointer, the length of the match is stored in *len.


    QRegExp r("[0-9]*\.[0-9]+");                // matches floating point
    int len;
    r.match("pi = 3.1416", 0, &len);            // returns 5, len == 6

Examples: qmag/qmag.cpp

char * QRegExp::matchstr ( ushort * rxd, char * str, char * bol ) const [protected]

For internal use only.

bool QRegExp::operator!= ( const QRegExp & r ) const

Returns TRUE if this regexp is not equal to r.

See also: operator==().

QRegExp & QRegExp::operator= ( const QRegExp & r )

Copies the regexp r and returns a reference to this regexp. The case sensitivity and wildcard options are copied, as well.

QRegExp & QRegExp::operator= ( const char * pattern )

Sets the pattern string to pattern and returns a reference to this regexp. The case sensitivity or wildcard options do not change.

bool QRegExp::operator== ( const QRegExp & r ) const

Returns TRUE if this regexp is equal to r.

Two regexp objects are equal if they have equal pattern strings, case sensitivity options and wildcard options.

const char * QRegExp::pattern () const

Returns the pattern string of the regexp.

void QRegExp::setCaseSensitive ( bool enable )

Enables or disables case sensitive matching.

In case sensitive mode, "a.e" matches "axe" but not "Axe".

See also: caseSensitive().

void QRegExp::setWildcard ( bool wildcard )

Sets the wildcard option for the regular expression. The default is FALSE.

Setting wildcard to TRUE makes it convenient to match filenames instead of plain text.

For example, "qr*.cpp" matches the string "qregexp.cpp" in wildcard mode, but not "qicpp" (which will be matched in normal mode).

See also: wildcard().

bool QRegExp::wildcard () const

Returns TRUE if wildcard mode is on, otherwise FALSE.

See also: setWildcard().

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