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QPaintDeviceMetrics Class Reference

The QPaintDeviceMetrics class provides information about a paint device. More...

#include <qpaintdevicemetrics.h>

List of all member functions.

Public Members

Detailed Description

The QPaintDeviceMetrics class provides information about a paint device.

Sometimes it is necessary to obtain information about the physical size of a paint device when drawing graphics.


    QPaintDeviceMetrics pdm( myWidget );
    float aspect = (float)pdm.widthMM / (float)pdm.heightMM();

Examples: application/application.cpp

Member Function Documentation

QPaintDeviceMetrics::QPaintDeviceMetrics ( const QPaintDevice * pd )

Constructs a metric for the paint device pd.

int QPaintDeviceMetrics::depth () const

Returns the bit depth (number of bit planes) of the paint device.

int QPaintDeviceMetrics::height () const

Returns the height of the paint device, in default coordinate system units (e.g. pixels for QPixmap and QWidget).

Examples: application/application.cpp

int QPaintDeviceMetrics::heightMM () const

Returns the height of the paint device, measured in millimeters.

int QPaintDeviceMetrics::numColors () const

Returns the number of different colors available for the paint device.

int QPaintDeviceMetrics::width () const

Returns the width of the paint device, in default coordinate system units (e.g. pixels for QPixmap and QWidget).

Examples: application/application.cpp

int QPaintDeviceMetrics::widthMM () const

Returns the width of the paint device, measured in millimeters.

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