S114 Datasets
The S114 generated exactly 2455 runs with a total of 275.5 Gbytes.
All those runs are available as
RAW datasets, various subsets are also available as reduced datasets.
Beyond that we have the output of different production PASSes.
For all those data generations two types of run number listings are available:
- Run summary: One line per run set summary indicating the
run number interval, number of runs, beam and target parameters,
and run type. A run set is defined as an interval of runs
with equal beam, target and run type.
- Run lists: For each run set exists a file with the
run numbers in the simple format `one run number per line'.
Those run lists are especially useful in DCL scripts and PAW macros.
A run set is named by the first run in the run number interval
for raw data. This is unique by construction, though not quite mnemonic.
The run lists can be located through links in the run summaries
or directly accessed (e.g. by KUIP macros) under the file names
given in the run summaries.
There are run summaries and run lists for the following data
When working with run summaries,
run sets and run lists keep in mind:
- A given beam, target and run type combination may be split into several
run sets, e.g. because of intervening calibration runs. If you
want to process all runs of a given data generation and for a given beam,
target and run type combination you'll have to check in the appropiate
run summary which run sets match you criterium and than
process all runs in those run sets.
- There may be runs missing in a run interval listed in a summaries,
e.g. because of DAQ problems.
- The association of run numbers to run sets unique for all data
generations and determined for raw data. So don't be confused if the first
run number in a run set for reduced or processed data differs from
the run set number.
Last updated: October 26th, 1994
Walter F.J. Müller