Run Overviews

The `Run Overview' files give a give a compact, human readable overview over the runs available for various systems and conditions. There is one line for each interval of runs taken under the same conditions of beam, target, energy, trigmode, and runtype. The file is ordered by increasing urn, like
 beam target   E/A   trig  type     :  urn -  urn
  12C  124Sn   300   M>=3  Phys     : 5216 - 5222
  12C  124Sn   300   M>=1  Phys     : 5223
  12C  197Au   300   M>=3  Phys     : 5225 - 5242
  12C  197Au   600   M>=3  Phys     : 5244 - 5286
  12C  197Au   600   M>=5  Phys     : 5290 - 5312
  12C  197Au  1000   M>=5  Phys     : 5352 - 5356
    -      -     -      -  Automate : 5357 - 5359
    -      -     -      -  Pedestal : 5360 - 5361
  12C  197Au  1000   M>=5  Phys     : 5362 - 5403

Please note that there can be several lines for a given set of conditions when there where runs with other conditions inbetween, like the Automate and Pedestal runs in the example above.

`Run Overview' files are available for

Web access

The data is available under

/dat/s185/runoverview/ folder with all run overview files
raw.dat covers all raw data files
dst0.dat covers all DST version 0 files
dst0_condensed.dat like dst0.dat, but condensed form and more human readable
dst0_gsi.dat covers DST version 0 files available at GSI
dst1.dat covers all DST version 1 files

GSI local access

The files are accessible from the Linux system under
    /d/kp3/bck/s185/runoverview                 # runoverview files

INDRA@GSI Documentation

Walter F.J. Müller
Last modified: Thu Jul 4 17:57:42 CEST 2002