Run Lists

The `Run List' files simply contain all run numbers for various systems and conditions. The format is simply one run number per line. There is one file for each set of conditions decribed by the properties beam, target, energy, trigmode, and runtype. The file names are simply build from the 5 properties, with "_" as separator, and look like


Please note that there is one for each set, which can and usually will contain a discontinuous set of run numbers.

`Run List' files are available for

Web access

The data is available under

/dat/s185/runlist/raw run lists for raw data files
/dat/s185/runlist/dst0 run lists for DST version 0 files
/dat/s185/runlist/dst0_gsi run lists for DST version 0 files available at GSI
runlist_raw.tar.gz compressed tar file with all raw data run lists
runlist_dst0.tar.gz compressed tar file with all DST version 0 run lists

GSI local access

The files are accessible from the Linux system under
    /d/kp3/bck/s185/runlist/raw                 # raw data
    /d/kp3/bck/s185/runlist/dst0                # DST version 0 total
    /d/kp3/bck/s185/runlist/dst0_gsi            # DST version 0 @ GSI

INDRA@GSI Documentation

Walter F.J. Müller
Last modified: Wed Nov 8 11:10:24 CET 2000