Please note, that the run-by-run means and variances of the spill scalers are also available as an extract of the `raw data means and variances work'
/dat/s185/spillscaler | folder with all spillscaler files |
spillscaler.tar.gz | compressed tar file with all spill-by-spill files (14 Mbyte) |
spillscaler_sum_jun.dat | run summary file for june 98 |
spillscaler_sum_sep.dat | run summary file for september 98 |
spillscaler_sum_feb.dat | run summary file for february 99 |
Note that the compressed tar archive is 14Mbyte compressed and expands to 1265 files and 48Mbyte ! To expand use
tar -xzvf spillscaler.tar.gz # if GNU tar available gunzip -c spillscaler.tar.gz | tar -xvf - # otherwise
/d/kp3/bck/s185/spillscaler # Spill-by-spill files /d/kp3/bck/s185/spillscaler_sum # run summary files