Workshop on "Phase Transitions in Small Systems"

Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung, 64220 Darmstadt, Germany
December 7.-8. 1995

Thursday, December 7, 1995

 9:30- 9:45  Hans Specht
	     Welcome address

 9:45-10:30  Uli Lynen (GSI)
	     Status of the ALADIN experiments


11:00-11:30  Rolf Scharenberg (Purdue University)
             Excitation energy, temperature and scaling in the
	     multifragmentation of 1 A GeV Au nuclei on C

11:35-12:05  Eric Plagnol (IPN Orsay)
             Excitation energies and light isotope production with INDRA

12:10-12:40  Betty Tsang (MSU)
             Nuclear temperature measurement


14:00-14:30  Igor Mishustin (Univ. Frankfurt / NBI Copenhagen)
             Self-organization in expanding nuclear matter

14:35-15:05  Joe Natowitz (Texas A&M University)
             Limiting temperatures and Coulomb instabilities

15:10-15:40  Wolfgang Noerenberg (GSI)
             On the role of expansion dynamics in multifragmentation


16:15-16:45  Luciano G. Moretto (LBL)
             Evidence for phase coexistence from charge distributions
             in multifragmentation

16:50-17:20  Xavier Campi (IPN Orsay)
             Remarks about the caloric curve of finite nuclei

17:25-18:05  Dieter H.E. Gross (HMI Berlin)
             Fragmentation phase-transition


Friday, December 8, 1995

 9:00- 9:40  Herbert Walther (LMU Muenchen)
             From a single ion to a mesoscopic system -- 
             Crystallization of ions in Paul traps

 9:45-10:15  Jens Konopka (Univ. Frankfurt)
             N-body dynamics of multifragmentation and the
             Liquid-Vapor transition

10:20-10:50  P.F. Mastinu (Univ. Bologna)
             Circumstantial evidence for a critical behaviour in
             peripheral Au + Au collisions at 35 MeV/nucleon


11:25-11:55  Wolfgang Heinrich (Siegen)
             Study of projectile multifragmentation at beam energies
             from 1 to 158 A GeV

12:00-12:40  Alfred Hueller (Univ. Erlangen-Nuernberg)
             Microcanonical analysis of first and second order phase
             transitions in finite systems


14:00-14:30  Jim Elliott (Purdue University)
	     Walter F.J. Mueller (GSI)
             Determination of critical exponents in finite systems

14:35-15:05  Nigel B. Wilding (Univ. Mainz)
             Application of finite-size scaling techniques to the
             simulation of critical fluids

15:10-15:40  Maria Colonna (GANIL)
             Spinodal decomposition in finite nuclear systems

16:15-16:45  Aldo Bonasera (Univ. Catania)
             Critical chaos

16:50-17:20  Jean Richert (CRN - Strasbourg)
             Disorder,universality and nuclear fragmentation


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Last updated: December 4th, 1995
Josef Pochodzalla , Walter F.J. Müller

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