Workshop on "Phase Transitions in Small Systems"

Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung, 64220 Darmstadt, Germany
December 7.-8. 1995

Dear colleagues,

Already two decades ago, the van der Waals behavior of the nucleon - nucleon force inspired the idea of a liquid-gas phase transition in nuclear matter. What makes this nuclear liquid gas phase transition stand out from all other conceivable nuclear phase transitions is the fact that both phases -- cold nuclear Fermi liquids on one hand and a nuclear gas consisting of free nucleons and a few light clusters on the other hand -- are known to exist in nature, and, what may perhaps be even more important, that both are experimentally accessible. This unique feature makes the nuclear liquid-gas phase transition an ideal and relevant test case for our ability to identify and quantify a phase transition in a finite hadronic system.

The great resonance which met the first attempts of the EOS collaboration to extract a set of critical exponents for nuclear systems and the interest stired up by the nuclear caloric curve published recently by the ALADIN collaboration, led us to invite scientists with diverse backgrounds to a workshop on

Phase transitions in small systems

It will be held on December 7 and 8, 1995 at the GSI. At the workshop the most recent and not yet published results -- obtained not only at the GSI but also at other laboratories -- will be presented. The aim of the workshop is to stimulate a free and animated discussion of these data and to address unresolved issues relevant to phase transitions in small systems. All speakers and participants are encouraged to contribute their latest results and ideas.

To receive further information please contact:

	Josef Pochodzalla
	Postfach 110552
	64220 Darmstadt

	phone: 49-6159-712765
	fax:   49-6159-712989
or browse through the following WWW pages:
GSI Home Page ALADiN Home Page
Last updated: November 15th, 1995
Josef Pochodzalla , Walter F.J. Müller

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