S117 Reduced RAW Datasets

The reduced RAW datasets are reduced and compressed LMD files with only basic trigger information and the information of one or several FastBus based detector systems. Currently there are the following types:
  Typ   Command          Comment
  ---   -------          -------
  PCH   rfbp_chodo.com   Compressed CHODO RAW data
  PCP   rfbp_cptel.com   Compressed CPTEL RAW data
The filenames of reduced datasets have the structure:
  S117_typ_runnumber.LMD      e.g.   S117_PCH_1761.LMD  
The reduced datasets are produced per B Tape. The following table lists the types and tapes processed to far. Usually the files can be accessed under al_data:[s117].
 Tape         Runs  PCH  PCP  ESP  ...  ...  Comments
 ------  ---------  -----------------------  --------
 B04008  1669-1754            ESP            1000 MeV
 B04009  1756-1845  PCH  PCP  ESP            1000 MeV
 B04010  1846-1931  PCH  PCP  ESP            1000 MeV
 B04011  1932-2022  PCH  PCP  ESP            1000 MeV
 B04012  2023-2111  PCH  PCP  ESP            1000 MeV
 B04013  2112-2196  PCH       ESP            1000 MeV
 B04014  2197-2283  PCH       ESP            1000 MeV
 B04015  2284-2367  PCH       ESP            1000 MeV

 B04016  2368-2476                           ???? MeV
 B04017  2477-2585                           ???? MeV

 B04018  2586-2674  PCH  PCP                  100 MeV      
 B04019  2675-2761  PCH  PCP  ESP             100 MeV
 B04020  2762-2847  PCH  PCP  ESP             100 MeV
 B04021  2848-2931  PCH  PCP  ESP             100 MeV
 B04022  2932-3021  PCH  PCP  ESP             100 MeV
 B04023  3022-3105  PCH  PCP  ESP             100 MeV
 B04024  3106-3193  PCH  PCP  ESP             100 MeV

 B04025  3194-3281  PCH  PCP  ESP             200 MeV (from 3250 - 3354)
 B04026  3282-3369  PCH  PCP  ESP             200 MeV 

 B04027  3370-3453  PCH  PCP  ESP             150 MeV
 B04028  3454-3536  PCH  PCP  ESP             150 MeV
 B04029  3537-3621  PCH  PCP  ESP             150 MeV
 B04030  3622-3704  PCH  PCP  ESP             150 MeV
 B04031  3705-3787  PCH  PCP  ESP             150 MeV
 B04032  3788-3903            ESP             150 MeV
Note: The PCH and PCP datasets have been removed from AL_DATA:

S117 Datasets S117 RAW Datasets (B Tapes)

Last updated: March 4th, 1996
Walter F.J. Müller