S117 RAW Datasets
This writeup describes the contents of the original Tapes with volume
labels A04xxx. These tapes will be read only once for storing the
datasets in the MVS file system and than be stored in a save place. For offline
processing you have to use the
B Tapes.
The S117 RAW datasets are accessed only by a 4 digit run number and
have the following file names on VMS and MVS:
VMS S117_****.LMD **** a 4 digit run number
MVS LMDV.S117.RAW**** under the KY01 account
Note, that RAW data files for S031, S022 and S114 had unique run numbers
and were all called RUN_****.LMD under VMS. For S117 the run numbers
start at 0001 again, the S117_ prefix guaranties a unique file name.
There are currently the following runs accessible:
- Test Runs
Stored under run numbers between 0001 and 1174. For details see
- April Run
Summary below, for details see
Tape Runs Date Start Stop MVS Tape Comment
------ --------- ----- ----- ----- --- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1000 MeV/u
A04100 1201-1234 13.04 20:15 23:50 yes [0001->1201]; testing detectors
A04101 1235-1291 14.04 0:00 5:00 yes [0035->1235]; still testing detectors
A04102 1292-1312 14.04 5:09 14:30 yes [0092->1292]; checking trigger, estimating rates
A04103 1313-1329 14.04 20:30 05:00 yes [0113->1313]; ROLU research, adjusting TOF and ZDO electronics
A04104 1331-1347 15.04 5:30 1:00 yes checking TOF wall, later no TOF wall at all, repairing GSI hodo
A04105 1400-1434 16.04 1:30 5:08 yes still working on TOF and ZDO electronics
A04106 1435-1484 16.04 5:10 9:35 yes working on halo and Catania
A04107 1485-1503 16.04 11:30 13:00 yes 3 broken ZDO tubes, common stop of hodoscopes changed
A04108 1504-1522 16.04 16:00 0:30 yes broken TDCs, swapping paddle cards of TOF
A04109 1523-1540 17.04 0:30 2:50 yes nothing essential changed
A04110 1541-1559 17.04 2:50 5:10 yes playing with trigger and FC
A04111 1561-1598 17.04 5:20 12:00 yes changing the timing of start detector
A04112 1599-1675 17.04 12:00 22:00 yes working on horizontal slats, ZDO-trigger
A04113 1676-1685 17.04 22:20 23:40 yes nothing essential changed
A04114 1686-1754 17.04 23.52 9:45 yes working on horizontal slats
A04115 1756-1762 18.04 9:45 15:36 yes empty target; playing with trigger; taking out FOPI foil; time calibrator
A04116 1763-1773 18.04 21:45 0:30 yes start foil out; fixing TPAT=0; wrong timing of TOF
A04117 1774-1776 19.04 0:30 1:45 yes alpha source run
A04118 1777-1802 19.04 1:45 16:30 yes alpha source run; checking single Catania signals
A04119 1803-1878 19.04 16:30 2:55 yes changing scale down factors back and forth
A04120 1879-1912 20.04 2:57 6:50 yes nothing essential changed
A04121 1913-1956 20.04 6:55 16:50 yes nothing essential changed; laser run
A04122 1957-1967 20.04 16:50 19:15 yes new thresholds Si Catania and GSI; trigger changed
A04123 1968-1975 20.04 19:15 22:00 yes nothing essential changed
A04124 1976-1982 20.04 22:00 23:00 yes data taken between numerous DAQ problems with SIGSEGV
A04125 1983-2026 20.04 23:00 5:15 yes nothing essential changed
A04126 2028-2082 21.04 5:25 13:20 yes playing with trigger; hybrid tube of JOPL died
A04127 2083-2162 21.04 13:25 2:09 yes nothing essential changed
A04128 2163-2191 22.04 2:09 6:40 yes nothing essential changed
A04129 2193-2242 22.04 7:35 21:40 yes nothing essential changed
A04130 2243-2287 22.04 21:50 7:15 yes nothing essential changed
A04131 2288-2340 23.04 7:20 17:00 yes nothing essential changed
A04132 2341-2357 23.04 17:10 20:10 yes nothing essential changed
A04133 2358-2412 23.04 20:10 7:00 yes nothing essential changed; sweep run TOF
A04134 --- does not exist --------- ---
A04135 2413-2434 24.04 13:45 22:00 yes alpha and pulser runs
A04136 2435-2445 24.04 22:13 10:00 yes cosmics
A04137 2446-2461 25.04 11:00 16:35 yes alpha and pulser runs
A04138 2462-2465 25.04 18:50 20:40 yes pulser runs
A04139 --- does not exist --------- ---
A04140 2469-2490 26.04 19:00 23:00 yes pulser runs
A04141 2491-2499 28.04 16:40 16:00 yes pulser (28.4-2.5)
A04142 2500-2519 5.05 19:00 yes pulser (no run 2509 !) (5.5-10.5)
- May Run
Summary below, for details see
100 MeV/u
A04143 2520-2545 12.05 11:00 23:00 yes permantently changing everything
A04144 2546-2574 12.05 23:00 9:20 yes nothing essential changed after run 2558
A04145 2575-2606 13.05 9:40 19:10 yes nothing essential changed, maybe SD changed after run 2600
A04146 2607-2612 13.05 22:10 23:30 yes pulser runs, changing thresholds
A04147 2613-2616 13.05 23:41 0:10 yes nothing essential changed
A04148 2617-2623 14.05 0:10 1:15 yes nothing essential changed
A04149 2624-2627 14.05 1:25 1:55 yes nothing essential changed
A04150 2628-2631 14.05 2:10 2:45 yes nothing essential changed
A04151 2633-2642 14.05 3:00 4:30 yes nothing essential changed
A04152 2643-2655 14.05 4:40 6:10 yes nothing essential changed
A04153 2656-2657 14.05 6:20 6:35 yes nothing essential changed
A04154 2658-2697 14.05 6:50 12:45 yes nothing essential changed
A04155 2698-2704 14.05 12:55 14:00 yes nothing essential changed
A04156 2705-2757 14.05 14:00 22:00 yes nothing essential changed, beam intensity decreases after run 2752
A04157 2758-2800 14.05 22:03 9:30 yes nothing essential changed, beam very unstable
A04158 2801-2863 15.05 9:40 19:50 yes new thresholds for some CATANIA modules
A04159 2864-2935 15.05 19:50 5:55 yes nothing essential changed
A04160 2936-2995 16.05 6:00 15:00 yes CATANIA TDC1-signals not correctly connected. since when??
A04161 2996-3070 16.05 16:35 4:00 yes new pedestals
A04162 3071-3145 17.05 4:15 17:00 yes nothing essential changed
A04163 3146-3202 17.05 17:05 2:05 yes up to run 3185 with START, then sweep run 3186-90
A04164 3203-3242 18.05 2:10 11:00 yes nothing essential changed
50 and 200 MeV/u
A04165 3244-3297 18.05 11:50 21:03 yes up to run 3249 50 MeV/u, then switched to 200 MeV/u
up to run 3271 with START, then normal runs
A04166 3298-3330 18.05 21:04 0:42 yes nothing essential changed
A04167 3331-3342 19.05 0:47 5:14 yes nothing essential changed
A04168 3343-3352 19.05 5:23 9:02 yes nothing essential changed
A04169 3353-3427 19.05 9:14 22:15 yes starting from run 3355 150 MeV/u, timing of TOF changed
A04170 3428-3478 19.05 22:15 6:30 yes nothing essential changed
A04171 3479-3555 20.05 6:39 17:55 yes nothing essential changed
A04172 3556-3574 20.05 19:05 22:30 yes START foil in and different targets used
A04173 3575-3641 20.05 22:30 9:25 yes after run 3577 nothing essential changed
A04174 3642-3720 21.05 9:25 20:20 yes nothing essential changed
A04175 3721-3796 21.05 20:20 5:30 yes nothing essential changed
A04176 3797-3878 22.05 5:30 0:50 yes all kinds of calibration runs
A04177 3879-3903 24.05 14:20 21:35 yes alpha and stretcher runs
S117 Datasets
MVS Datasets
MVS Disks
Last updated: May, 20th, 1995
Volker Serfling ,
Marieluise Begemann-Blaich,
Walter F.J. Müller