S117 meeting, 1.8.95


Micro strips

The mean multiplicity dependent on the lower cut energy shows a dip. It is not clear if this dip is the separation between particles and noise, since the mean multiplicity including the 0-multiplicity shows also this dip. There must be a bug.


Calibrations for 100,150,1000 AMeV are available. Zbound vs Zhodo is well correlated besides some saturations in Zhodo. Zmax vs Zbound shows lower Zmax for peripheral reactions compared to S114.


Michael shows different methods to extract proton punchthroughs. He can't compare to alpha pt since it is missing in the data for the GSI-hodoscope.


The pulser calibration is within 1% linear. The best way to calibrate the detectors is to use the punchthrough points and the alpha source point. Calculated DE-E spectra fit well with experimental ones. The CSI lightoutput curves fit well with those of N.Colonna and Milkau. If one plots DE+Etot one observes no kink in energy spectra (good calibration of detector components).


2 numbers are importan for PAW: NTUP/CRE ... 32000 (allocation number of words) H/FILE LUN file 6144 both numbers will increase the IO performance of the AXP's.
August 1st, 1995 Carsten Schwarz,