S117 meeting, 27.6.95


Til end of the week pass 1 should be finished and Volker has installed the right pedestals.


The alignment mount for angular measurements in the chamber will be finished Wednesday.

Trigger documentation

Burkhard has checked the trigger (about 60%), the rest remains to be done.



Mahi introduced the Steckmeyer formula to improve the fits for the telescopes. It fits now the low energy region quite well and works also for the hodoscopes.

He introduced a peak finder according to the Indra procedure. He uses socalled primary informations (slopes and spacing of z-branches) and determines the peak positions. Even he didn't smooth anything, he got decent results and the whole procedure seem to be promising.

The fits to the data points have to be improved yet for the p,d,t,a.

June 26th, 1995 Carsten Schwarz,