Some Hints for Troubleshooting in the S117 DAQ System

I) If the event rate is equals zero, check if there is a trigger :-)
II) If _ANY_ process dies give the following commands in the same order: 1) try to stop the acquisition command on CVC in crate1 : stop acquisition 2) terminate all processes on the master-event-builder command on E7 : CRTL-Z 3) verify that all processes are killed command on E7 : ps -ax 4) terminate all processes on all slave-readout-CPU's command on CVC : CRTL-Z command on AEB : CRTL-E 5) verify that all processes are killed command on CVC : ps -ax command on AEB : procs -ae 6) delete the SBS-setup-table on the AEB's command on AEB : del_setup 7) Create SBS-setup-module in the AEB memory and read the setup from the EBI Command on AEB : read_setup 8) Start the slave-readout routines (on CVCs and AEBs) Command on all CVC : sbs on sbs prompt in crate1 : @slave1start wait for completion! on sbs prompt in crate2 : @slave2start Command on AEB on AEB #3 : go3 on AEB #4 : go4 on AEB #5 : go5 on AEB #6 : go6 9) Start the collector and transport processes on the VSB-master processor Command : SBS on SBS prompt : @masterstart 10) You should be ready now to take data !
III) If a scriptfile (all commands in the SBS beginning with a @ e.g. @slave1start) hangs during execution the message logger may be confused. 1) Leave the SBS session by pressing CRTL-Z 2) Stop the whole DAQ, described in I) 3) Find the PID of the message logger 'm_msg_log'; use the command 'ps -ax' 4) Kill the message-logger-process using the command 'kill ' 5) Give the following commands to reinitialize the message-logger msg_del msg_cre msg_log& 6) Goto II.6

S117 DAQ Home Page

Last updated: April 11th, 1995
Volker Serfling , Walter F.J. Müller