ManPage: ISM - slowcntl.kumac


slowcntl.kumac - Visualize detector signal slow monitoring


exec slowcntl#do_it


explanation for SLOWCNTL.KUMAC

        +-- CREA_GLOBAL
        +-- INIT
        +-- LIMITS
        +-- RUN ----- STEER --+-- READ
                              +-- PLOT ----+-- TITLE
                              |            |
                              |            +-- LOAD_LINES
                              +-- ZOOM ----+-- ZTITLE
                              |            |
                              |            +-- LOCATE ----- LOAD_TIME
                              +-- LOCATE ----- LOAD_TIME

DO_IT      : loops over all signal groups
CREA_GLOBAL: defines three sets of global variables 
INIT_COLOR : defines escape sequences for colored messages
INIT       : initializes all vectors needed
LIMITS     : reads the values for the maximum acceptable deviations from mean values
RUN        : loops over all rings for a given signal
STEER      : steers the plotting according to the interactive input
READ       : reads the vectors from files
PLOT       : produces a picture with 4*3 plots
TITLE      : creates a global title containing information about the plot
LOAD_LINES : creates vertical lines indicating the beginning of a day/week
ZOOM       : enlarges one plot out of the 4*3 matrix
ZTITLE     : creates a global title containing information about the enlarged plot
LOCATE     : activates the cross-hair to extract the time since new year 1998 from a plot 
LOAD_TIME  : calculates date and time of the day  

abreviations for the signal groups:
i : ionisation chamber
s : Si
c : CsI
e : etalon (thin)
f : etalon (thick)

a : physical signal
b : pulser signal

DO_IT      : the routine calls the initializations
             it asks whether individual values for the maximul acceptable deviations for each 
             signal/ring combination  shall be read from a file, otherwise a global
             value of +/- 20% is used.
             it loops over all signal groups, order: i,s,c,e,f
             if  this routine DO_IT is not convenient, 
                            first do an > EXEC WORK#INIT
                            then  do    > EXEC WORK#RUN signal

INIT       :
LIMITS     : 
RUN        : asks for the plot number to start with, default is 1.
             loops over all plots for a signal/ring combination, but after
             each plot a plot number can be entered, CR produces the next plot.
STEER      : for a given signal/ring combination, READ is called to read in the necessary data.
             PLOT is called to produce the plot, first the physics data,
             second the pulser data.
             if the signal/ring-combination contains more than 12 detectors,
             the physics data for detectors 1-12 is shown, then the physics data
             for detectors 13-detmax, then the pulser data for detectors 1-12,
             then the pulser data for detectors 13-detmax.
             after a plot has been finished, interactive input is expected,
             possible commands are p  (redo the plot and write to metafile)
                                   z  (show one of the plots enlarged), you will be 
                                      asked for the plot number 
                                   l  (extract date and time), the cross-hair will
                                      appear, klick as many points as you want
                                   q  (goes back to RUN)
                                   CR (continue)
             if one of the commands p, z, l was used, the original picture is 
             redrawn, in case you want to repeat one of the commands.
READ       : reads all data for the given signal/ring-combination, physics and pulser
             data at the same time. each file contains all information about one detector
             of the given signal/ring combination.
             if the time interval is smaller than 24 hours, times are given in hours
                                     between 24 and 360 hours, times are given in days
                                     larger than 3600 hours, times are given in weeks.
             if the time is given in hours, a vertical line marks 0:00:00
                                     days, a vertical line marks each monday 0:00:00
                                     weeks, a vertical line marks each monday 0:00:00
             the minimum/maximum run number and minimum/maximum time for the whole 
             signal/ring-combination is determined.
             a warning is produced if a file is missing.
             the mean value for all detectors of the given signal/ring combination
             is calculated.
PLOT       : all plots have the same t_min and t_max.
             if a detector is missing, a crossed window is drawn.
             a solid line is drawn for the overall mean.
             two dashed lines are drawn for overall mean + sigma and overall mean - sigma.
             if a value is larger than the overall mean + sigma or smaller than the
             overall mean - sigma the data point is marked in blue.
TITLE      :
ZOOM       : like PLOT, but only one plot is drawn.
             after a plot has been finished, interactive input is expected,
             possible commands are p  (redo the plot and write to metafile)
                                   l  (extract date and time), the cross-hair will
                                      appear, klick as many points as you want
                                   CR (continue)
ZTITLE     :
LOCATE     : 


$ set def slc_ism: $ ISM_update 1d $ paw 3 paw > slowcntl#do_it will first update the vector files, in this example to display the last 24 hours, than start paw, request workstation mode 3 with a window with A4 aspect ratio, and fianlly start the slowcntl macro which steers the whole visualization.

See also


Back to INDRA Slow Monitoring

Last update: 18-Jun-1998
Marieluise Begemann-Blaich