Access to data at GSI

Data Organization

All raw data files are stored in an `Automatic Tape Library' system under control of the adsm storage management system. In this system each file is uniquely identified via a name with three components: All INDRA (S185) data is in the archive indra. Different types of files are stored under different path, currently:

Path Name pattern Data type
egsi egsi_xxxx.dat Raw data. xxxx denotes the 4 digit URN.
sepring egsi_rrrr_xxxx.dat Ring separated raw data. rrrr denotes the extraction (e.g. r01, r02_r03, ..., etalon) while xxxx denotes the URN.

Data Access

with adsmcli
The adsmcli program allows to retrieve a file from the tape library and stores by default in the current working directory. The adsmcli retrieve command has the syntax
   adsmcli retrieve file  archive  path
To get the raw data run 4711 into /tmp just do
  cd /tmp
  adsmcli retrieve egsi_4711.dat indra egsi
or to retrieve the ring 2/3 extraction of run 5211
  adsmcli retrieve egsi_r02_r03_5211.dat indra sepring

with adsm_instage / adsm_inaction
The pair of scripts adsm_instage and adsm_inaction provide a convenient framework to execute a given script for a large number of data files. Both scripts usually run in parallel, adsm_instage taking care of transporting the data to a staging area and adsm_inaction taking care of processing the data and deleting them from the staging area. For running the script action over over a set of raw data files from run numbers given in the file numfile.conf just execute for example
   nice adsm_instage  numfile.conf        > instage.log   2>&1 &
   nice adsm_inaction numfile.conf action > inaction.log  2>&1 &
This will use the default /tmp/$USER/data as staging area and call the script action for each run with two arguments, the URN and the full file name.

The builtin default are fine as long for processing raw data files under `normal' circumstances. Beyond that, one has to use the -isad option of both commands. Processing the ring 8/9 extraction rather the full raw data is for example achieved with

   nice adsm_instage  -isad NamePref=egsi_r08_r09_,Path=sepring numfile.conf        > instage.log   2>&1 &
   nice adsm_inaction -isad NamePref=egsi_r08_r09_,Path=sepring numfile.conf action > instage.log   2>&1 &

with adsm_instage / IDHstagedFile
The combination of the adsm_instage script with a program using the IDHstagedFile class provides a convenient framework to process a large number of files in one program context. Again, the adsm_instage should run in parallel to the program and with consistent parameters. See the IDHstagedFile tutorial for a full example.

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Walter F.J. Müller
Last modified: Wed Jul 14 20:24:47 CEST 1999