Masking and Unmasking Groups of Detectors ------------------------------------------- In directory INDRA_DESC_MANIP (logical for DISK$GANILB_USER:[INDRA.INDRA.DESC_MANIP]) one finds a series of files that allow to mask (or unmask) the CFD or pulsor of various detectors. to mask : FICHIER_VME_MASQUAGE_DISCRI_CSI.DAT FICHIER_VME_MASQUAGE_DISCRI.DAT FICHIER_VME_MASQUAGE_GENE.DAT to unmask : FICHIER_VME_DEMASQUAGE_GENE.DAT FICHIER_VME_DEMASQUAGE_DISCRI.DAT to execute in GAG cmd mode: GAG cmd> vme exec indra_desc_manip:file_name (please check this) ------------------------------------------- Note :similar files should be created for other groups of detectors