--------- Creation of a NDB file (for DP2 display) --------- CreateNDB Version 3 for Linux (Read README of version 1,2,3 for further details.) ------ What's up ? Creation of ndb spectra of all modules of a given ring. The user can select a combinaison of two of the 15 available signals : The possible signals are : ci_gg ci_pg si_gg si_pg csi_r csi_l si75_gg si75_pg sili_gg sili_pg ci_t si_t csi_t si75_t sili_t ------ Where is the package ? The package is located in : ~gourio/V3/ ------ How to proceed ? 1) Copy the whole contains of ~gourio/V3/ in your own directory 2) Execute : . setup_ndb 3) Edit run_ndb and set it on your own. Details in the file itself. 4) Edit RunToRead.txt and give the run numbers you want to read. The syntaxe (the same for all CreateNDB versions) has the following rules : One line should contains : 1 run number (4 digits) : #### or : a range of numbers : ####-#### And as many lines as one wants. The program will stop if a syntax error is detected. The program will NOT stop if a run number doesn't exist. For example, if one wants to read every Run between 4000 and 4020, and 4031 : 4000-4020 4031 The program will take : 4013, 4014, 4015, 4019, 4020, 4031 The run numbers are in two places : http://www-kp3.gsi.de/www/doc/indra/raw_data/tape_summary_jul98.txt $S185REF/conf/tapesummary_jul98.conf >>> The tapes contain the unique run number (6th row) <<< 4) Edit isad.conf and configure it on your own. You give the size limits on the /tmp/ with which adsm_instage has to work. For details, see : ....ask walter... 5) Run : run_ndb ------- Have you a problem ? One common problem is that the place on /tmp/ is too small. Then adsm_instage doesn't stage any new Run and CreateNBD waits for a new run for ever. - you have the option -clear n when you start CreateNDB. -> change to -clear y - you ask for too much free place in isad.conf . The value are in kB ! -> reduce ThresFree - you ask for too few occupied place in isad.conf . The value are in kB ! -> increase ThresHigh - the /tmp/ is just too full, but it's due to other users -> change of machine : linux1, linux2, linux3.