CsI Particle Id Grids

The files with CsI PID grids and gamma separation lines as well as all the data needed to construct them are stored in a directory tree. Available are:
Combined grid files
These files contain the information for all CsI modules for a certain interval of runs and are ready to be used with the IPNO identification routines in the VEDA context. There are files with CsI particle id information as well as files with only the gamma separation line. They follow the naming convention:
   pid_run_####_run_####.asc         for pid data
   gam_run_####_run_####.asc         for gamma separation data
where #### denotes two 4 digit run numbers which indicate the validity interval of the files. In addition those final files there are alternative calibrations with the naming pattern
where suffix identifies the variant.

Prolongated grids
These files contain the prolongated and verified grids in ndb binary format for a single CsI module. They follow the naming convention
where ## denote 2 digit ring and module numbers.

Original grids
These files contain the original grids in ndb binary format as they were originally determined interactively with ndb. The naming convention is the same as for the prolongated grids.

Web access

The data is available under

/dat/s185/csi_grid/all_asc folder with combined grid files. Contains CsI particle id (pid_*) as well as gamma separation line (gam_*) files.
/dat/s185/csi_grid/prol_bin folder tree with prolongated grid files for each CsI module.
/dat/s185/csi_grid/orig_bin folder tree with original grid files for each CsI module.
csi_grid_pid.tar.gz compressed tar file with all final combined CsI pid files.
csi_grid_gam.tar.gz compressed tar file with all final combined CsI gamma separation files.

GSI local access

The files are accessible from the Linux system under
    /d/kp3/bck/s185/csi_grid/orig_bin		# original grids (binary)
    /d/kp3/bck/s185/csi_grid/prol_bin		# prolongated grids (binary)
    /d/kp3/bck/s185/csi_grid/all_asc     	# combined grids (ascii)

INDRA Calibration data

Walter F.J. Müller
Last modified: Thu Jul 15 17:19:36 CEST 1999