pid_run_####_run_####.asc for pid data gam_run_####_run_####.asc for gamma separation datawhere #### denotes two 4 digit run numbers which indicate the validity interval of the files. In addition those final files there are alternative calibrations with the naming pattern
pid_run_####_run_####_suffix.ascwhere suffix identifies the variant.
ring_##_mod_##.grlwhere ## denote 2 digit ring and module numbers.
/dat/s185/csi_grid/all_asc | folder with combined grid files. Contains CsI particle id (pid_*) as well as gamma separation line (gam_*) files. |
/dat/s185/csi_grid/prol_bin | folder tree with prolongated grid files for each CsI module. |
/dat/s185/csi_grid/orig_bin | folder tree with original grid files for each CsI module. |
csi_grid_pid.tar.gz | compressed tar file with all final combined CsI pid files. |
csi_grid_gam.tar.gz | compressed tar file with all final combined CsI gamma separation files. |
/d/kp3/bck/s185/csi_grid/orig_bin # original grids (binary) /d/kp3/bck/s185/csi_grid/prol_bin # prolongated grids (binary) /d/kp3/bck/s185/csi_grid/all_asc # combined grids (ascii)