XV. Forms Data Format functions

This is a first attempt to implement Forms Data Format (FDF) support in PHP. You can read the documentation at http://beta1.adobe.com/ada/acrosdk/forms.html for more information on what FDF is and how it is used in general.

Table of Contents
FDF_open — Opens a new fdf document
FDF_close — Closes the fdf document
FDF_save — Saves a fdf document
FDF_get_value — Gets the value of a field
FDF_get_value — Sets the value of a field
FDF_next_field_name — Next field name
FDF_set_ap — Sets the appearence of a field
FDF_set_status — Sets the value of the /STATUS key
FDF_get_status — Gets the value of the /STATUS key
FDF_set_file — Sets the value of the /F key
FDF_get_file — Gets the value of the /F key