XXXVIII. Oracle 8 functions

These functions allow you to access Oracle8 and Oracle7 databases. It uses the Oracle8 Call-Interface (OCI8). You will need the Oracle8 client libraries to use this extension.

This extension is more flexible than the standard Oracle extension. It supports binding of global and local PHP variables to Oracle placeholders, has full LOB, FILE and ROWID support and allows you to use user-supplied define variables.

Table of Contents
OCIDefineByName — Use a PHP variable for the define-step during a SELECT
OCIBindByName — Bind a PHP variable to an Oracle Placeholder
OCILogon — Establishes a connection to Oracle
OCILogOff — Disconnects from Oracle
OCIExecute — Execute a statement
OCICommit — Commits outstanding transactions
OCIRollback — Rolls back outstanding transactions
OCINumRows — Gets the number of affectend rows
OCIResult — Returns coulumn value for fetched row
OCIFetch — Fetches the next row into result-buffer
OCIFetchInto — Fetches the next row into result-array
OCIColumnIsNULL — test whether a result column is NULL
OCIColumnSize — return result column size