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An application can submit any SQL statement supported by a data source. ODBC defines a standard syntax for SQL statements. For maximum interoperability, an application should only submit SQL statements that use this syntax; the driver will translate these statements to the syntax used by the data source. If an application submits an SQL statement that does not use the ODBC syntax, the driver passes it directly to the data source.

Note For CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements, applications should use the data type name returned by SQLGetTypeInfo in the TYPE_NAME column, rather than the data type name defined in the SQL grammar.

Note that statements can be executed a single time with SQLExecDirect or prepared with SQLPrepare and executed multiple times with SQLExecute. Note also that an application calls SQLTransact to commit or roll back a transaction.

Allocating a Statement Handle

Before an application can submit an SQL statement, it must allocate a statement handle for the statement. To allocate a statement handle, an application:

   HSTMT hstmt1;

Executing an SQL Statement

An application can submit an SQL statement for execution in two ways:

These options are similar, though not identical to, the prepared and immediate options in embedded SQL. For a comparison of the ODBC functions and embedded SQL, see Appendix E, "Comparison Between Embedded SQL and ODBC."

Prepared Execution

An application should prepare a statement before executing it if either of the following is true:

A prepared statement executes faster than an unprepared statement because the data source compiles the statement, produces an access plan, and returns an access plan identifier to the driver. The data source minimizes processing time as it does not have to produce an access plan each time it executes the statement. Network traffic is minimized because the driver sends the access plan identifier to the data source instead of the entire statement.

Important Committing or rolling back a transaction, either by calling SQLTransact or by using the SQL_AUTOCOMMIT connection option, can cause the data source to delete the access plans for all hstmts on an hdbc. For more information, see the SQL_CURSOR_COMMIT_BEHAVIOR and SQL_CURSOR_ROLLBACK_BEHAVIOR information types in SQLGetInfo.

To prepare and execute an SQL statement, an application:

Direct Execution

An application should execute a statement directly if both of the following are true:

To execute an SQL statement directly, an application:

Setting Parameter Values

An SQL statement can contain parameter markers that indicate values that the driver retrieves from the application at execution time. For example, an application might use the following statement to insert a row of data into the EMPLOYEE table:


VALUES (?, ?, ?)

An application uses parameter markers instead of literal values if:

To set a parameter value, an application performs the following steps in any order:

These steps can be performed before or after a statement is prepared, but must be performed before a statement is executed.

Parameter values must be placed in storage locations in the C data types specified in SQLBindParameter. For example:

Parameter Value

SQL Data Type

C Data Type

Stored Value




ABC\0 a








10\0 a

1 p.m.



13,0,0 b

1 p.m.



{t '13:00:00'}\0a,c

a "\0" represents a null-termination byte; the null termination byte is required only if the parameter length is SQL_NTS.

b The numbers in this list are the numbers stored in the fields of the TIME_STRUCT structure.

c The string uses the ODBC date escape clause. For more information, see "Date, Time, and Timestamp Data" later in this chapter.

Storage locations remain bound to parameter markers until the application calls SQLFreeStmt with the SQL_RESET_PARAMS option or the SQL_DROP option. An application can bind a different storage area to a parameter marker at any time by calling SQLBindParameter. An application can also change the value in a storage location at any time. When a statement is executed, the driver uses the current values in the most recently defined storage locations.

Performing Transactions

In auto-commit mode, every SQL statement is a complete transaction, which is automatically committed. In manual-commit mode, a transaction consists of one or more statements. In manual-commit mode, when an application submits an SQL statement and no transaction is open, the driver implicitly begins a transaction. The transaction remains open until the application commits or rolls back the transaction with SQLTransact.

If a driver supports the SQL_AUTOCOMMIT connection option, the default transaction mode is auto-commit; otherwise, it is manual-commit. An application calls SQLSetConnectOption to switch between manual-commit and auto-commit mode. Note that if an application switches from manual-commit to auto-commit mode, the driver commits any open transactions on the connection.

Applications should call SQLTransact, rather than submitting a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement, to commit or roll back a transaction. The result of a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement depends on the driver and its associated data source.

Important Committing or rolling back a transaction, either by calling SQLTransact or by using the SQL_AUTOCOMMIT connection option, can cause the data source to close the cursors and delete the access plans for all hstmts on an hdbc. For more information, see the SQL_CURSOR_COMMIT_BEHAVIOR and SQL_CURSOR_ROLLBACK_BEHAVIOR information types in SQLGetInfo.

ODBC Extensions for SQL Statements

ODBC extends the X/Open and SQL Access Group Call Level Interface to provide additional functions related to SQL statements. ODBC also extends the X/Open and SQL Access Group SQL CAE specification (1992) to provide common extensions to SQL. The remainder of this chapter describes these functions and SQL extensions.

To determine if a driver supports a specific function, an application calls SQLGetFunctions. To determine if a driver supports a specific ODBC extension to SQL, such as outer joins or procedure invocation, an application calls SQLGetInfo.

Retrieving Information About the Data Source’s Catalog

The following functions, known as catalog functions, return information about a data source’s catalog:

Each function returns the information as a result set. An application retrieves these results by calling SQLBindCol and SQLFetch.

Sending Parameter Data at Execution Time

To send parameter data at statement execution time, such as for parameters of the SQL_LONGVARCHAR or SQL_LONGVARBINARY types, an application uses the following three functions:

To indicate that it plans to send parameter data at statement execution time, an application calls SQLBindParameter and sets the pcbValue buffer for the parameter to the result of the SQL_LEN_DATA_AT_EXEC(length) macro. If the fSqlType argument is SQL_LONGVARBINARY or SQL_LONGVARCHAR and the driver returns "Y" for the SQL_NEED_LONG_DATA_LEN information type in SQLGetInfo, length is the total number of bytes of data to be sent for the parameter; otherwise, it is ignored.

The application sets the rgbValue argument to a value that, at run time, can be used to retrieve the data. For example, rgbValue might point to a storage location that will contain the data at statement execution time or to a file that contains the data. The driver returns the value to the application at statement execution time.

When the driver processes a call to SQLExecute or SQLExecDirect and the statement being executed includes a data-at-execution parameter, the driver returns SQL_NEED_DATA. To send the parameter data, the application:

For additional information, see the description of SQLBindParameter Chapter 13, "Function Reference."

Specifying Arrays of Parameter Values

To specify multiple sets of parameter values for a single SQL statement, an application calls SQLParamOptions. For example, if there are ten sets of column values to insert into a table — and the same SQL statement can be used for all ten operations — the application can set up an array of values, then submit a single INSERT statement.

If an application uses SQLParamOptions, it must allocate enough memory to handle the arrays of values.

Executing Functions Asynchronously

By default, a driver executes ODBC functions synchronously; the driver does not return control to an application until a function call completes. If a driver supports asynchronous execution, however, an application can request asynchronous execution for the functions listed below. (All of these functions either submit requests to a data source or retrieve data. These operations may require extensive processing.)



























Asynchronous execution is performed on a statement-by-statement basis. To execute a statement asynchronously, an application:

Note If the application calls a function that cannot be executed asynchronously, the driver executes the function synchronously.

To disable asynchronous execution for an hstmt, an application calls SQLSetStmtOption with the SQL_ASYNC_ENABLE option. To disable asynchronous execution for all hstmts associated with an hdbc, an application calls SQLSetConnectOption with the SQL_ASYNC_ENABLE option.

ODBC drivers for SOLID Server do not support asynchronous execution.

Using ODBC Extensions to SQL

ODBC defines the following extensions to SQL, which are common to most DBMS’s:

The syntax defined by ODBC for these extensions uses the escape clause provided by the X/Open and SQL Access Group SQL CAE specification (1992) to cover vendor-specific extensions to SQL. Its format is:

--(*vendor(vendor-name), product(product-name) 

extension *)--

For the ODBC extensions to SQL, product-name is always "ODBC", since the product defining them is ODBC. Vendor-name is always "Microsoft", since ODBC is a Microsoft product. ODBC also defines a shorthand syntax for these extensions:


Most DBMS’s provide the same extensions to SQL as does ODBC. Because of this, an application may be able to submit an SQL statement using one of these extensions in either of two ways:

Due to the difficulty in implementing some ODBC extensions to SQL, such as outer joins, a driver might only implement those ODBC extensions that are supported by its associated DBMS. To determine whether the driver and data source support all the ODBC extensions to SQL, an application calls SQLGetInfo with the SQL_ODBC_SQL_CONFORMANCE flag. For information about how an application determines whether a specific extension is supported, see the section that describes the extension.

Note Many DBMS’s provide extensions to SQL other than those defined by ODBC. To use one of these extensions, an application uses the DBMS-specific syntax. The application will not be interoperable among DBMS’s.

Date, Time, and Timestamp Data

The escape clauses ODBC uses for date, time, and timestamp data are:

--(*vendor(Microsoft),product(ODBC) d 'value' *)--

--(*vendor(Microsoft),product(ODBC) t 'value' *)--
--(*vendor(Microsoft),product(ODBC) ts 'value' *)--

where d indicates value is a date in the "yyyy-mm-dd" format, t indicates value is a time in the "hh:mm:ss" format, and ts indicates value is a timestamp in the "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss[.f...]" format. The shorthand syntax for date, time, and timestamp data is:

{d 'value'}

{t 'value'}
{ts 'value'}

For example, each of the following statements updates the birthday of John Smith in the EMPLOYEE table. The first statement uses the escape clause syntax. The second statement uses the shorthand syntax. The third statement uses the native syntax for a DATE column in DEC’s Rdb and is not interoperable among DBMS’s.


SET BIRTHDAY=--(*vendor(Microsoft),product(ODBC)
d '1967-01-15' *)--
WHERE NAME='Smith, John'

The ODBC escape clauses for date, time, and timestamp literals can be used in parameters with a C data type of SQL_C_CHAR. For example, the following statement uses a parameter to update the birthday of John Smith in the EMPLOYEE table:


A storage location of type SQL_C_CHAR bound to the parameter might contain any of the following values. The first value uses the escape clause syntax. The second value uses the shorthand syntax. The third value uses the native syntax for a DATE column in DEC’s Rdb and is not interoperable among DBMS’s.


d '1967-01-15' *)--" "{d '1967-01-15'}" "'15-Jan-1967'"

An application can also send date, time, or timestamp values as parameters using the C structures defined by the C data types SQL_C_DATE, SQL_C_TIME, and SQL_C_TIMESTAMP.

To determine if a data source supports date, time, or timestamp data, an application calls SQLGetTypeInfo. If a driver supports date, time, or timestamp data, it must also support the escape clauses for date, time, or timestamp literals.

Scalar Functions

Scalar functions — such as string length, absolute value, or current date — can be used on columns of a result set and on columns that restrict rows of a result set. The escape clause ODBC uses for scalar functions is:


fn scalar-function *)--

where scalar-function is one of the functions listed in Appendix F, "Scalar Functions." The shorthand syntax for scalar functions is:

{fn scalar-function}

For example, each of the following statements creates the same result set of uppercase employee names. The first statement uses the escape clause syntax. The second statement uses the shorthand syntax. The third statement uses the native syntax for SOLID Server and is not interoperable among DBMS’s.

SELECT --(*vendor(Microsoft),product(ODBC) 


An application can mix scalar functions that use native syntax and scalar functions that use ODBC syntax. For example, the following statement creates a result set of last names of employees in the EMPLOYEE table. (Names in the EMPLOYEE table are stored as a last name, a comma, and a first name.) The statement uses the ODBC scalar function SUBSTRING and the SQL Server scalar function CHARINDEX and will only execute correctly on SQL Server.


To determine which scalar functions are supported by a data source, an application calls SQLGetInfo with the SQL_NUMERIC_FUNCTIONS, SQL_STRING_FUNCTIONS, SQL_SYSTEM_FUNCTIONS, and SQL_TIMEDATE_FUNCTIONS flags.

Data Type Conversion Function

ODBC defines a special scalar function, CONVERT, that requests that the data source convert data from one SQL data type to another SQL data type. The escape clause ODBC uses for the CONVERT function is:


fn CONVERT(value_exp, data_type) *)--

where value_exp is a column name, the result of another scalar function, or a literal value, and data_type is a keyword that matches the #define name used by an ODBC SQL data type (as defined in Appendix D, "Data Types"). The shorthand syntax for the CONVERT function is:

{fn CONVERT(value_exp, data_type)}

For example, the following statement creates a result set of the names and ages of all employees in their twenties. It uses the CONVERT function to convert each employee’s age from type SQL_SMALLINT to type SQL_CHAR. Each resulting character string is compared to the pattern "2%" to determine if the employee’s age is in the twenties.



To determine if the CONVERT function is supported by a data source, an application calls SQLGetInfo with the SQL_CONVERT_FUNCTIONS flag. For more information about the CONVERT function, see Appendix F, "Scalar Functions."

LIKE Predicate Escape Characters

In a LIKE predicate, the percent character (%) matches zero or more of any character and the underscore character (_) matches any one character. The percent and underscore characters can be used as literals in a LIKE predicate by preceding them with an escape character. The escape clause ODBC uses to define the LIKE predicate escape character is:


escape 'escape-character' *)--

where escape-character is any character supported by the data source. The shorthand syntax for the LIKE predicate escape character is:

{escape 'escape-character'}

For example, each of the following statements creates the same result set of department names that start with the characters "%AAA". The first statement uses the escape clause syntax. The second statement uses the shorthand syntax. The third statement uses the native syntax for Ingres and is not interoperable among DBMS’s. Note that the second percent character in each LIKE predicate is a wild-card character that matches zero or more of any character.


--(*vendor(Microsoft),product(ODBC) escape '\'*)-- SELECT NAME FROM DEPT WHERE NAME LIKE '\%AAA%'

To determine whether LIKE predicate escape characters are supported by a data source, an application calls SQLGetInfo with the SQL_LIKE_ESCAPE_CLAUSE information type.

Outer Joins

ODBC supports the ANSI SQL-92 left outer join syntax. The escape clause ODBC uses for outer joins is:

--(*vendor(Microsoft),product(ODBC) oj outer-join *)--

where outer-join is:

table-reference LEFT OUTER JOIN {table-reference |    outer-join} ON search-condition

table-reference specifies a table name, and search-condition specifies the join condition between the table-references. The shorthand syntax for outer joins is:

{oj outer-join}

An outer join request must appear after the FROM keyword and before the WHERE clause (if one exists). For complete syntax information, see Appendix C, "SQL Grammar."

For example, each of the following statements creates the same result set of the names and departments of employees working on project 544. The first statement uses the escape clause syntax. The second statement uses the shorthand syntax. The third statement uses the native syntax for Oracle and is not interoperable among DBMS’s.



To determine the level of outer joins a data source supports, an application calls SQLGetInfo with the SQL_OUTER_JOINS flag. Data sources can support two-table outer joins, partially support multi-table outer joins, fully support multi-table outer joins, or not support outer joins.


An application can call a procedure in place of an SQL statement. The escape clause ODBC uses for calling a procedure is:


[?=] call procedure-name
[([parameter][,[parameter]]...)] *)--

where procedure-name specifies the name of a procedure stored on the data source and parameter specifies a procedure parameter. A procedure can have zero or more parameters and can return a value. The shorthand syntax for procedure invocation is:

{[?=]call procedure-name   [([parameter][,[parameter]]...)]}

For output parameters, parameter must be a parameter marker. For input and input/output parameters, parameter can be a literal, a parameter marker, or not specified. If parameter is a literal or is not specified for an input/output parameter, the driver discards the output value. If parameter is not specified for an input or input/output parameter, the procedure uses the default value of the parameter as the input value; the procedure also uses the default value if parameter is a parameter marker and the pcbValue argument in SQLBindParameter is SQL_DEFAULT_PARAM. If a procedure call includes parameter markers (including the "?=" parameter marker for the return value), the application must bind each marker by calling SQLBindParameter prior to calling the procedure.

Note For some data sources, parameter cannot be a literal value. For all data sources, it can be a parameter marker. For maximum interoperability, applications should always use a parameter marker for parameter.

If an application specifies a return value parameter for a procedure that does not return a value, the driver sets the pcbValue buffer specified in SQLBindParameter for the parameter to SQL_NULL_DATA. If the application omits the return value parameter for a procedure returns a value, the driver ignores the value returned by the procedure.

If a procedure returns a result set, the application retrieves the data in the result set in the same manner as it retrieves data from any other result set.

For example, each of the following statements uses the procedure EMPS_IN_PROJ to create the same result set of names of employees working on a project. The first statement uses the escape clause syntax. The second statement uses the shorthand syntax. For an example of code that calls a procedure, see SQLProcedures in Chapter 13, "Function Reference."


call EMPS_IN_PROJ(?)*)-- {call EMPS_IN_PROJ(?)}

To determine if a data source supports procedures, an application calls SQLGetInfo with the SQL_PROCEDURES information type. To retrieve a list of the procedures stored in a data source, an application calls SQLProcedures. To retrieve a list of the input, input/output, and output parameters, as well as the return value and the columns that make up the result set (if any) returned by a procedure, an application calls SQLProcedureColumns.

Additional Extension Functions

ODBC also provides the following functions related to SQL statements. For more information about these functions, see Chapter 13, "Function Reference."




Retrieves information about prepared parameters.


Retrieves the SQL statement as processed by the data source, with escape sequences translated to SQL code used by the data source.


Retrieves the number of parameters in an SQL statement.


These functions set or retrieve statement options, such as asynchronous processing, orientation for binding rowsets, maximum amount of variable length data to return, maximum number of result set rows to return, and query timeout value. Note that SQLSetConnectOption sets options for all statements in a connection.

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