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Readme for analog3.3

Other reports

This section deals with the non-time reports. There are quite a lot of commands which control these reports, although we've seen some of them already.

First, these reports have COLS commands, just like the time reports. (See the section on Time reports for how to use these commands.) In the non-time reports, one additional column is possible, namely D for date of last access. So, for example,

lists the number of requests for each file in the Request Report, and the time when that file was last requested. The full list of COLS commands for non-time reports is HOSTCOLS, DOMCOLS, REQCOLS, DIRCOLS, TYPECOLS, SIZECOLS, REDIRCOLS, FAILCOLS, REFCOLS, REFSITECOLS, REDIRREFCOLS, FAILREFCOLS, FULLBROWCOLS (Browser Report), BROWCOLS (Browser Summary), VHOSTCOLS, USERCOLS, FAILUSERCOLS and STATUSCOLS. Not every column is allowed in every report, but if you specify an illegal one, analog will warn you about it.
Next you need to know how use a SORTBY command to specify how the reports should be sorted. There are six possible ways of sorting reports: REQUESTS, PAGES (i.e., page requests), BYTES, DATE, ALPHABETICAL and RANDOM (no sorting, sometimes useful for speed in very long reports). For example, the command
will sort the Host Report alphabetically. The other SORTBY commands are DOMSORTBY, REQSORTBY, DIRSORTBY, TYPESORTBY, REDIRSORTBY, FAILSORTBY, REFSORTBY, REFSITESORTBY, REDIRREFSORTBY, FAILREFSORTBY, FULLBROWSORTBY, BROWSORTBY, VHOSTSORTBY, USERSORTBY, FAILUSERSORTBY and STATUSSORTBY. Again, not every sort method is possible in every report, but you'll be warned if you choose an illegal one.

There is one known bug concerned with SORTBY ALPHABETICAL. The report is sorted before any OUTPUTALIAS is applied. This means that if an OUTPUTALIAS has been specified for the report, then the report will not be sorted correctly.

You can also specify a FLOOR for most reports, saying how much activity an item needs before it is listed on the report. There are lots of possible ways of specifying floors, which I'll list here, using the DOMFLOOR (Domain Report FLOOR) command as an example. Essentially each one consists of a number indicating the level of the floor, followed by a letter indicating the floor criterion.
DOMFLOOR 1000r       # all domains with at least 1000 requests
DOMFLOOR 1000p       # at least 1000 requests for pages
DOMFLOOR 1000000b    # at least 1,000,000 bytes transferred
DOMFLOOR 1Mb         # at least 1 megabyte
DOMFLOOR 0.5%r       # 0.5% of the requests (ditto %p and %b)
DOMFLOOR 0.5:r       # 0.5% of the maximum number of requests
                     # for any domain (ditto :p and :b)
DOMFLOOR 970701d     # last access since 1st July 1997
DOMFLOOR -00-01-00d  # last access in last month (see
                     # documentation on FROM and TO commands)
DOMFLOOR -100r       # domains with top 100 number of requests
                     # (ditto -100p, -100b, -100d)
The other FLOOR commands are HOSTFLOOR, REQFLOOR, DIRFLOOR, TYPEFLOOR, REDIRFLOOR, FAILFLOOR, REFFLOOR, REFSITEFLOOR, REDIRREFFLOOR, FAILREFFLOOR, FULLBROWFLOOR, BROWFLOOR, VHOSTFLOOR, USERFLOOR, FAILUSERFLOOR, STATUSFLOOR. Once again, not every floor method is legal for every report, but you'll be warned if you try and choose an illegal one.
I've already told you about how to turn each report on and off from the command line using its code letter. In fact, you can specify the SORTBY and the FLOOR in the same command. Take the example of the Referrer Report. If you follow the +f (to turn the report on) with a letter, it represents the sort method according to the following code:
You can then, or alternatively, use one of the above FLOOR formats to specify the floor. If you specify a SORTBY, you can also leave off the last letter of the floor, and analog will guess it according to the sort method: the floor will be by pages or bytes if that is the sort method, and otherwise by requests. Here are four examples:
means turn the referrer report on and sort it by page requests, but says nothing about the floor;
means list all referrers with at least 100 requests, but says nothing about the sort method;
means list all referrers with at least 10,000 bytes, sorted by bytes;
means list all referrers with accesses this year, sorted alphabetically.

We've already seen some other commands affecting what was listed in the non-time reports. The output INCLUDE and EXCLUDE commands specified lines to omit from each report, and the OUTPUTALIAS commands specified some aliasing to do on the names before they were listed. There were also LINKINCLUDE and LINKEXCLUDE, and REFLINKINCLUDE and REFLINKEXCLUDE commands to control what was linked to in the Request Report and the three referrer reports. You might want to have another look at these paragraphs.

There's one other command which affects the links in the Request Report. The command BASEURL prepends an additional string to the URLs in the target of the link. For example, after the command

BASEURL http://www.statslab.cam.ac.uk
/~sret1/ will be linked to http://www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/~sret1/, not just to /~sret1/. This is very useful if you want to display the statistics on a different server from the server they refer to. If you want the file to be listed as http://www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/~sret1/, rather than just to be linked to that address, you need to use the second argument to the LOGFILE command instead.

In the next section, we'll look at commands for generating hierarchical reports, which are closely related to the commands in this section.

Stephen Turner
Personal e-mail: analog-author@lists.isite.net
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