+49-6159-71-extensionwhich replaces the old number +49-6151-359-extension. With the old number it wasn't possible to call GSI extensions from many foreign countries. The new number is one digit shorter and avoids this problem. Every GSI phone and FAX with a 4 digit extension can now be called from everywhere in the world, hopefully.
+49-6151-359-extensionThe GSI telephone system changed from 3 digit extensions to 4 digit extensions on June 11th,1994. A full GSI phone number has therefore 13 digits in international connections. Unfortunately there is a limit of 12 digits between Germany and most other countries. The last digit will be dropped, the caller is connected to the switchboard, the GSI operator will complete the call.
2989 or 989 local FAX of KP1 and KP3 division 2785 or 785 central GSI FAXBoth FAX systems have a 4 digit and also a 3 digit number. Use the 3 digit number for international calls to avoid the 12 digit limitation !
Note: An international call to a 4 digit FAX number is supposed to be automatically re-routed to the central GSI FAX. Nice in theory, but don't count on it.
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