-> netout:Software caused connection abort 550-RMS WRITE RTB record too large. 550 !UL byte record too large for user's buffer
Background: Windows FTP in text mode simply transfers the
contents of a file `as is'. This is even correct since the Windows line
separator (CR-LF) is the same as the IP network representation and thus
no conversion is needed.
If the files have however mixed line separators can get
artificially long records which VMS can't handle. The VMS FTP Daemon
is also to blame, because it should be tolerant to large records when
Steam_LF files are generated, but it isn't !
Unfortunately, even setting UCX$FTP_STREAMLF to "True"
doesn't help, which is clearly a design fault.
X-MX-Comment: QUOTED-PRINTABLE message automatically decodedThis can lead to lines longer than some (unfortunate) limits imposed by VMSmail (255 characters in the DECwindows interface and about 500 characters in the mail storage). The long lines are truncated and the contents is lost, even when the email is extracted to a file.
Test: Simply execute
$ perl -e "for ($i = 0; $i <90; $i++) { printf ""word %3.4d "",$i; }" - -e "print ""and finaly the end of a long line\n"";" >x.xxx $ mail x.xxx 'f$getjpi("","username")' /nosig/sub="long line test"and you see the effect.
Workaround: None.
main() { int *i; int **ii; /* bad comment int ***iii; /* good comment */ i = ii; }has a bad comment and a type mixup ( in i = ii ). Compiling this results into
VAX: cc/vaxc test cc/vaxc test /standard=port %CC-I-NESTEDCOMMENT, Nested comment encountered. %CC-I-NONPORTCVT, Conversions between pointers to different types.. cc/decc test /standard=port %CC-W-PTRMISMATCH, In this statement, the referenced type of the.. AXP: cc test %CC-W-PTRMISMATCH, In this statement, the referenced type of the.. cc test/standard=vaxc cc test/standard=portConclusion:
$ dire al_temp0:[mueller...]*.dir /sele=size=min=127/size=used
Qualifiers Saveset size CPU time (on an AXP 3000-400) default 14553 2.31 /NOCRC 14553 1.31 /GROUP=0 13230 1.75 /GROUP=0/NOCRC 13230 0.68Using /NOCRC and /GROUP=0 reduces the CPU time by 70% and deceases the saveset size by 10%.
%DCPS-W-CFGERROR, configurationerror: [PageSize [612 792]] - offending command is setpagedevice -DCPS-I-JOB_ID, for job job name (queue P12GND, entry ???) on P12will be given and the print job is aborted. The problem is that the PostScript code requested a particular page size (here [612 792], units are 72tel inch).
Those documents can be printed when they are rescaled to the A4 sheet size using the page_size and sheet_size options of the /parameter= qualifier of the print command.
To print a document generated for US Letter size use:
pop -queue file -o /para=(sheet_size=a4,page_size=letter)Note, that double sided printing does not work, neither by specifying a print queue setup for double sided not by including the sides=two option in /para=(...)
Note also, that ghostview tends to produce .ps files with this problem, while xpdf does not exhibit this behaviour.
-SYSTEM-F-BADATTRIB, bad attribute control listerror. In this case check the disk file attributes with dir/full and check the Record format: line, like
Record format: Variable length, maximum 9990 bytesThan mount the tape with a blocksize larger than the maximal record size, for example:
mount mkd0: test /media=comp /block=49152Note: Using a large /block usually gives better performance.
When operators with equal precedence appear, they can be evaluated in any order as long as the order is algebraically equivalent to a left-to-right order of evaluation. Exponentiation, however,is eval- uated from right to left.Or in other words, operators are treated as left associative with the exception of exponentiation, which is right associative. This means
a/b/c is evaluated as (a/b)/c a**b**c is evaluated as a**(b**c)
To verify this try the following program:
program test call test1(1.,1.,2.,r1,r2,r3) write(6,*) r1,r2,r3 stop end subroutine test1(a,b,c,r1,r2,r3) r1 = (a/b)/c r2 = a/(b/c) r3 = a/b/c return endIt should produce
0.5000000 2.000000 0.5000000Note: To avoid any confusion never use expressions like "a/b/c". Use parenthesis like "(a/b)/c" or "a/(b/c)" to clearly state your intentions !
To get a traceback with line sequence numbers correctly refering to the offending statements one should compile the Fortran source with /nooptimize and /synchronize_exceptions. The former disables all optimization, the later forces all floating point exceptions to be delivered synchronously. The /synchronize_exceptions qualifier is not described in the online help on Fortran, so take the following extract from the release notes:
o /SYNCHRONIZE_EXCEPTIONS tells DFAV to generate TRAPB instructions after every floating point instruction. This is a very expensive but effective way to synchronize the instruction stream containing floating point exceptions so the failing instruction can be accurately located by the debugger or a handler.
To setup a customized environment for those language characteristics simply
$ lsedit /nocurrent/noenvironment/interface=character_cell
save environment sys$login:my_lse/new quit
Directory BZ_TEMP0:[MUELLER] PDB_069_TXT.TPU$JOURNAL;1 1/64 5-OCT-1994 16:51:08.12This indicates that there was an aborted LSEDIT session for file PDB_069.TXT which can be recovered. Note, the journal file name indicates only file name and type of the file to be recovered, but not the device and directory specification. But you usually remember...
recover buffer PDB_069.TXTYou should now see a text like
Buffer name: PDB_069.TXT Original input file: KP3$BROOT:[MUELLER.PAPERS]PDB_069.TXT;2 Output file: Source file for recovery: KP3$BROOT:[MUELLER.PAPERS]PDB_069.TXT;3 Editing session start date and time: 5-OCT-1994 16:51:03.81 Journal file creation date and time: 5-OCT-1994 16:51:08.12and be prompted "Recover this buffer? Type Yes, No. [Y] ?". After a Y response you enjoy a rerun of the aborted session.
define language latex /file_type=(.tex) /comp="@inc_asoft:latex_compile" modify language latex /capabilities=diagnosticsThe DCL procedure latex_compile sets up the TeX/LATeX environment and issues the proper LATeX command.
System Messages and Recovery Procedures ReferenceAssume you got the error message
%RMS-F-DME, dynamic memory exhaustedThe fastest way to find a full explanation of the error code DME is to start the bookreader and select
Shelf: OpenVMS VAX Operating System Shelf: OpenVMS User Documents Book: System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference now the book index pops up. The index is sloppy... select arrow in front of Part II Message Descriptions select arrow in front of AAA ... ABORT now the real index shows up... select the error code you look for a full description will pop up.The error code description has an Explanation and a User Action section.
%SYSTEM-F-EXLNMQUOTA, logical name table is fullwhen a define DCL command is executed.
The process quota JTQUOTA should be increased. Contact the system manager.
%SYSTEM-F-INSFMEM, insufficient dynamic memorywhen a define DCL command is executed. In some cases one gets an error when executing an image like
%DCL-W-ACTIMAGE, error activating image SHOW -CLI-E-IMGNAME, image file $9$DKA0:[SYS9.SYSCOMMON.][SYSEXE]SHOW.EXE -SYSTEM-F-VA_IN_USE, virtual address already in use
This problem is caused by insufficient virtual memory available to DCL. The `special' SYSGEN parameter CTLPAGES is too low and should be increased. Also see SHO PROC /MEM. Contact the system manager.
$ OPEN/READ NWDCL_INPUT AXP612::"TASK=N02504881"can fail with the error code
%RMS-F-DME, dynamic memory exhaustedNote: The remote TASK object is started in this case but will see an error on the first I/O to SYS$NET.
A fix is to reduce the RMS multiblock (set rms /blo=..) and network multiblock counts (set rms/net=..).
%DCL-W-ACTIMAGE, error activating image REF_S117:PAW_S117_XL -CLI-E-IMGNAME, image file $12$DKC0:[ALADINSOFT.S117.REF]PAW_S117_XL.EXE;11 -SYSTEM-F-EXQUOTA, process quota exceededThis indicates that one quota is overdrawn when activating the image. In many cases this is caused by the `Paging file quota'. Contact the system manager and negociate an increase of the Paging file quota or reduce the usage of subprocesses (since this is a pooled quota affecting a whole job and not just a single process).
Note, that one can also get errors like
%LIB-F-INSVIRMEM, insufficient virtual memory %RMS-F-DME, dynamic memory exhaustedwhen the image manages to start but fails later on due to memory allocation problems.
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