Computing Performance Tests

This document summarizes performance tests done on various software and hardware components used in the KP3 computing environment.

NSF performance on Linux (update Feb. 99)

Test Environment


 Client   Operation  Block    r/wsize=8k     r/wsize=default
                      Size    Time  kb/sec   Time  kb/sec

 linux1   write /s      1k    8.15s   1256   7.93s   1291
 lxi003   write /s      1k    8.04s   1273   7.33s   1396
 linux1   write /s      2k    4.97s   2060
 linux1   write /s      4k    3.59s   2852
 linux1   write /s      8k    2.48s   4129
 linux1   write /s     16k    2.50s   4096
 linux1   write /s     32k    2.48s   4129
 linux1   write /s     64k    2.48s   4129   7.58s   1350
 lxi003   write /s     64k    2.56s   4000   6.87s   1490

 linux1   read  /s      1k    1.68s   6095   6.83s   1499
 lxi003   read  /s      1k    1.86s   5505   6.56s   1560
 linux1   read  /s      8k    1.65s   6206
 linux1   read  /s     16k    1.57s   6522
 linux1   read  /s     32k    1.63s   6282
 linux1   read  /s     64k    8.53s   1200   6.74s   1519
 lxi003   read  /s      8k    1.57s   6522 
 lxi003   read  /s     16k    1.61s   6360 
 lxi003   read  /s     32k    2.30s   4452 
 lxi003   read  /s     64k   10.57s    968   6.70s   1528


adsmcli Retrieve Preformance

Test Environment


  Node     Data rates (kb/sec)                 CPUtime
            10-jun      11-jun     13-jun         sec

  axp607   1629,1817   4325,4046  4645,4645   4.7- 5-2
  linux1   1587,1629   4046,5453  5701,4480   6.2-10.3
  clri6f   2133,1945   6472,6419  6453,6443   8.9-19.4
  sp2a05   2268,2456   3064,3111  4415,6934   6.9- 7.6
  sp2b05   1161,1057  11929,5530  5217,4570   3.7- 4.1

C++ Compiler Performance on AIX and Linux

Test Environment


Code   Node     Command     Compile options  Real time   user+Sys time
ISM    linux1   make            -O               5.3s        4.7s
       linux1   make -j 2       -O               3.3s        5.0s
       clri6g   make            -O              21.1s       17.5s

ibr    linux1   make            -O              12.4s       10.6s
       linux1   make                            11.2s        8.8s
       clri6g   make            -O            2m10.3s     1m52.2s
       clri6g   make                            21.2s       14.9s


The xlC compiler under AIC is substancially slower than gcc under Linux if optimization (-O) is enabled. For test it's therefore highly advisable to compile without optimization under AIX. Under Linux the difference is much smaller.
In the weeks before May 22th xlC under AIX had a problem with the license manager configuration, leading to real time of 4-5 minutes for the two test compilations. This has been resolved.

NSF performance on AIX and Linux

Test Environment


 Client   Destination    Server    Block     Time  kb/sec
 linux1   /u/fopi         Linux      1k     1.01s   1013
                                     8k     0.33s   3103
                                    64k     0.34s   3011

 linux1   /d/fopi/data21    AIX      1k    49.83s     21
                                     8k     6.70s    152
                                    64k     6.71s    152

 linux1   ~/AIX             AIX      1k    16.17s     63
                                     8k     2.38s    430
                                    64k     2.37s    432

 clri6f   /d/fopi/data21    AIX      1k     8.55s    119
                                     8k     1.40s    731
                                    64k     1.46s    701

 clri6f   /u/fopi           AIX      1k     3.28s    312
                                     8k     0.58s   1765
                                    64k     0.67s   1528

For comparison: data rate to a local harddisk is 6.1 Mb/sec, to a floppy 28 kb/sec.
See also: NSF performance on Linux (update Feb. 99).

adsmcli Archive Preformance

Test Environment


The job executed in 8010 sec, transfering 11.89 Gbyte. The average transfer rate was 1.48 Mbyte/sec. The average CPU load was about 25%.

DLT2000 SMFS Positioning Performance

Test Environment


The distribution of access times in seconds for the random access of 91 files is shown in the histogram below. The average access time was 35.9 seconds.
   0 -  9     4   ****  
  10 - 19    18   ******************
  20 - 29    19   *******************
  30 - 39    17   *****************             Average 35.9 sec
  40 - 49    10   **********
  50 - 59    10   **********
  60 - 69     9   *********
  70 - 79     2   **
  80 - 89     2   **


TMSCP and AXP602 throughput

Test Environment


The four jobs showed the following execution times:
  Tape    Data from       CPU Time      Execution Time   Throughput
  ------  --------------  -----------   --------------   ----------- 
  B04021  AXP612$MKD0:    00:43:53.43   02:25:39.86      1140 kb/sec
  B04022  AXP612$MKD100:  00:48:09.34   02:30:32.51      1100 kb/sec
  B04023  AXP601$MKA500:  00:47:41.63   03:04:10.67       905 kb/sec
  B04024  AXP603$MKB500:  00:43:01.15   02:36:24.57      1065 kb/sec


Using BACKUP with DLT2000

Test Environment


 Test   Qualifier   /Block Files  Alloc   Used    DIO's   CPU       Time    Rate
                                  Mbyte  Mbyte            sec            Mbyte/s

  1.    -           27648  13612   6643   6514   544646  1792   01:03:34   1.71
  2.    /ver        27648  13611   6640   6514  1088509  3282   02:08:45   0.84
  3.    /ver/nocrc  27648  13619   6844   6707  1119842  1130   02:06:37   0.88
  4.    /nocrc      49152  13630   7144   6773   334776   662   01:03:43   1.77


PAW on various AXP's

Test Environment


   Node        Model         Clock  Sint  Sfp       Time    Performance

 axp634  ASta  400 4/233       233   113  166   00:44.87     1.64    
 axp628  DEC   3000 600        175    88  165   00:52.87     1.39    
 axp602  AServ 2100 4/200      200    97  160   00:53.75     1.37
 axp633  ASta  200 4/166       166    83  125   01:01.07     1.20    
 axp603  DEC   2100 A500MP                      01:02.01     1.19
 axp613  DEC   3000 400        166              01:13.81     1.00  <-- norm.
 axp620  DEC   3000 300                         01:24.40     0.87   
 axp626  DEC   3000 300X              64  102   01:21.74     0.90   
 axp625  DEC   3000 300LX      125    49   77   01:42.20     0.72   


Disk I/O performance on AXP

Test Environment


Test Client  Server  Net   Disk        Type         Size   Control  Write  Read
                                                      Gb             Mb/s  Mb/s

 1.  AXP601  local   -     $1$DIA130   RF72          2.0   DSSI      1.27  1.45
 2.  AXP601  local   -     $1$DIA440   RF72          4.0   DSSI      1.31  1.42
 3.  AXP601  AXP612  FDDI  $12$DKC0    Sea ST15150N  4.0   SCSI-int  2.35  2.90
 4.  AXP601  AXP612  FDDI  $12$DKA200  DEC DSP5350S  3.5   SCSI-ext  1.53  2.84

 5.  AXP627  AXP601  Ethe  $1$DIA130   RF72          2.0   DSSI      0.83  0.68
 6.  AXP627  AXP612  Ethe  $12$DKC0    Sea ST15150N  4.0   SCSI-int  0.94  0.82

 7.  AXP612  AXP601  FDDI  $1$DIA130   RF72          2.0   DSSI      1.20  1.26
 8.  AXP612  local   -     $12$DKC300  RZ26          1.0   SCSI-int  1.46  2.24
 9.  AXP612  local   -     $12$DKC0    Sea ST15150N  4.0   SCSI-int  3.01  3.62
10.  AXP612  local   -     $12$DKA200  DEC DSP5350S  3.5   SCSI-ext  1.86  3.23
11.  AXP612  local   -     $12$DKD200  DEC DSP5200S  2.0   SCSI-int  1.15  1.89

12.  VSBZ    local   -     $9$DKA400   ?generic?     2.0   SCSI-ext  1.92  1.81
13.  VSBZ    local   -     $9$DKA0     RZ28          2.0   SCSI-int  2.52  2.02
14.  VSBZ    local   -     $9$DKA100   RZ25          0.4   SCSI-int  1.23  1.87
15.  VSBL    local   -     $55$DKB0    ?generic?     1.0   SCSI-ext  0.47  0.43
16.  VSAO    local   -     $25$DKA100  ?generic?     0.6   SCSI-ext  0.50  0.44



Test Environment


        Test     DIO's   BIO's   FCP rate  CPU time        Time   Data rate

     no /ext     12854    1844      13.0      12.70     2:30.10     781 kb/sec
   /ext=8192     11136      41      0.33       6.62     1:33.26    1256 kb/sec


VMS Virtual I/O Cache

Test Environment


   Test   rms/blo   PFC    Read IO  Hit   Bypass   Elapsed time

     1       64      64      2726   78%    11.7%    48.19 sec
     2       32      64      2632   89%     9.8%    43.25 sec
     3       32      32      2550   91%     8.8%    45.90 sec


CERN HTTPD 3.0pre6vms3

Test Environment


   Test   Server	DNSLookup   Message	VSBZ	AXP612

    1	  2.14		--	    occluded     89	154
    2     3.0pre6vms3	On	    occluded	 46	122
    3     3.0pre6vms3	Off	    occluded	 44	 23

    4     3.0pre6vms3	Off	    visible	 67	 68


Note: It turned out on August 18th, that the UCX setup was wrong. The primary name server did never respond, causing a 1 second delay for the fail-over to the secondary name server. This explains much of the DNS bottlenecks...


Test Environment


   Test	  Time (sec)	Fortran qualifiers	Comments
     1     29.24	- none -		old objects from openVMS 1.5
     2     28.94	- none -		re-compiled with Fortran V6.2-508
     3     28.54	/opt=(lev=5)
     4     28.20	- none -		1 source file
     5     29.50	/opt=(unro=8)		1 source file
     6     30.70	/opt=(unro=1)		1 source file
     7    101.14	/noopt			1 source file


DLT2000 I/O Performance

Test Environment


  Test  Data  Compress   #files   DataVolume  TimeNeeded     DataRate
   1.   S114    no         73    9.973 Gbyte   2.34 hr     1.18 Mbyte/sec
   2.   S114   yes         89   12.160 Gbyte   2.36 hr     1.43 Mbyte/sec
   3.   S117    no         84   10.081 Gbyte   2.34 hr     1.19 Mbyte/sec
   4.   S117   yes         90   10.801 Gbyte   2.33 hr     1.28 Mbyte/sec
   5.   S117   yes         89   10.681 Gbyte   2.33 hr     1.27 Mbyte/sec


The FDDI MVS Connection: FTP throughput

Test Environment


   Test  /blo   /buf   /ext  WNDSIZ   time       rate     Comment
                                     (sec)   (kb/sec)
      1    64      3      0    9216  50.83       377      default settings...
      2   112      4   2048   16384  30.32       632
      3   112      4   2048   24576  23.25       825
      4   112      4   2048   32768  20.87       919
      5   112      4      0   32768  29.21       656
      6    16      3   2048   32768  20.25       947
      7     8      3   2048   32768  20.84       920
      8    64      3   2048   24576  23.66       810      No other traffic
      9    64      3   2048   24576  44.34       432      also transfer to VSBZ


Under optimized conditions one gets 900-950 kb/sec transfer rate. The bottleneck seems to be the CTC connection between mvs16 and rzri6f.
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Last updated: February 19th, 1999
Walter F.J. Müller

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