KP3 Computing Resources
The KP3 divisions ownes and uses a number of
Node CPU Memory Net Wire Specials Comment
lxg005 terminated
lxg0300 1*PII/233 64MB terminated
lxg0301 1*PIII/500 128Mb terminated
lxg0302 1*PII/333 DIRC test stand SB3 1.277
lxg0303 1*P4/2000 256Mb 100T OSA2 02B-33 Used by WTRAUT
lxg0304 1*PII/333 128Mb stored TH 1.000
lxg0305 1*PII/333 128Mb terminated
lxg0306 1*PIII/500 128Mb 100T OSA2 02A-27 stored TH 1.000
lxg0307 1*PIII/500 128Mb 100T OSA2 02A-16 terminated
lxg0308 1*Cel/2660 1Gb 100T OSA2 02A-45 Used by CARSTEN
lxg0309 2*Ppro/200 256Mb 100T OSA2 O2A-21 unknown
lxg0310 1*Ath/800 256Mb 100T DIRC test stand SB3 1.277
lxg0311 1*Ath/1200 256Mb 100T OSA2 02B-33 now lxg1408 used by MUELLER
lxg0312 not existing
lxg0313 wrong label, is a RISING box
lxg0314 1*P4/2600 1024MB 100T OSA2 02A-35 unknown
lxg0315 1*P4/2600 1024MB 100T OSA2 02A-29 unknown
lxg0316 1*P4/2800 512MB 100T OSA2 02A-15 Used by Karabowicz
lxg0330 1*P4/3600 2048MB 100T OSA2 02B25 testet by
CARSTEN (former KP3PC005)
lxgs03 2*PII/400 512Mb 100T -- rz -- KP 3 Group Server
Node Type
kp3nbg001 Dell C640 USED by MUELLER
pbarnbp002 Samsung X10 Used by CARSTEN
Disks on Linux-systems owned/used by KP3
filesystem size (kb) comment
/d/kp3/ 538445088 500 Gbyte RAID
/d/kp301/ 103312896 100 Gbyte RAID
/d/panda01/ 1500Gbyte RAID
/u/kp3data/ KPIII common data
/u/kp3soft/ KPIII common software
/u/kp3web/ KPIII common web-space
See also Linux disk usage.
Node CPU Memory Net Wire Specials Comment
KP3PC0 ??/?? In Node list ??
KP3PC0 ??/?? In Node list ??
KP3PCH 1*PII/133 OS2A O2A-30 terminated
KP3PCJ 1*PII/233 128Mb terminated
KP3PCL 1*PII/333 128Mb 100T OS2A 02B-25 CAMAC terminated
KP3PCN 1*PII/??? terminated
KP3PCQ 1*PII/??? grafic unknown
KP2PCF 1*PII/??? stolen
KP3PC001 100T OS2A 02B-02 Used by J. Luehning
KP3PC002 100T OS2A 04A43 Target/DIRC Laboratory
KP3PC003 Used by K. Peters
KP3PC004 1*Ath/1800+ 256Mb 100T OSA2 02B-14 Used by A. Meergans
KP3PC005 1*PIV/3600 1GB now lxg0330
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Walter F.J.
Last modified: Fri Jun 12 17:18:41 CEST 2009